
A Google Maps feature that encourages Android Auto users to use Waze

Google Maps already shows current speed on mobile devices
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Photo: Bogdan Popa/autoewolucja

If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve probably noticed that Google Maps has received an incredible number of improvements lately. CarPlay speedometer, incident reporting, improved lane guidance and Street View updates were intended to improve the Google Maps experience across all platforms.

However, while Google’s commitment to improving Google Maps is good news in the long run, the company has yet to address one of the app’s biggest controversies: the Android Auto speedometer.

Seeing the current speed on the screen is a big deal for many users – I know, I know, we also have a speedometer on the dashboard, but as I have said many times, GPS data is more accurate than the value indicated by your car. Google Maps has offered a speedometer on mobile devices for many years, and CarPlay got it earlier this year as part of the massive update I told you about earlier.

The availability of the speedometer in Android Auto is the most controversial.

Users claim that they have been seeing a speedometer in Google Maps on Android Auto for several years now, but the same users claim that the feature appears and disappears randomly for no reason. The latest updates received by Google Maps on Android Auto and CarPlay have increased interest in the speedometer, and now more and more people are wondering why the feature is not available in their cars.

Most people say that the speedometer works on their Android devices, but it is missing in Android Auto. Several readers told me that this feature was available in Android Auto earlier this year, but is no longer there.

The same comments have appeared on Google forums and all users say that the speedometer is still available on their Android devices. While you may be tempted to believe that Google Maps does not show your current speed when using Android Auto, this is not true. This feature has been around for a few years now and you can see a similar discussion on Reddit when the same uncertainty existed in 2023.

Google has never commented on the availability of the speedometer in Android Auto, but what’s most mysterious is why the feature appears and disappears for users who already have it.

Most people who need a speedometer in Android Auto are tempted to switch to Waze. The Google-owned navigation app offers a speedometer regardless of platform, country and region, so you’ll always see your current speed next to the speed limit on your route. Waze also gives you audio and visual notifications when you’re speeding, so you can slow down to avoid a ticket.

Time will tell if Google fixes this glitch, especially since it’s been around for so long, but given the company’s increased focus on improving Google Maps, now is the right time to make the speedometer available to anyone, everywhere.