
A new global impact methodology

Regulatory intelligence is an emerging discipline in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors that combines regulatory analysis and forecasting future trends in the regulatory environment. The aim is to ensure that medicines and medical devices (medical devices) are developed and placed on the market in accordance with legal requirements, while meeting the needs of global markets.

  1. The concept of regulatory intelligence

Regulatory intelligence is a systematic approach that aims to collect, analyze and use relevant information about current and emerging regulations in various jurisdictions. This is an ongoing effort to understand not only current standards, but also the political and economic context that may shape future regulations and guidance. This practice involves effective communication between the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities to anticipate changes and influence regulatory processes to optimize product entry into the market.

  1. Use in medicines and medical devices

In the field of medicines, regulatory intelligence ensures that pharmaceutical companies consistently comply with safety, efficacy and quality requirements established by entities such as EMA (European Medicines Agency) and ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency). Regulatory analysis also helps identify opportunities to speed up the drug approval process, such as accelerated drug designation programs, orphan drugs, or emergency review procedures.

In the medical device space, regulatory intelligence is crucial in dealing with increasing regulatory complexity, especially when implementing the MDR (Medical Device Regulation) in Europe. Introducing new requirements for clinical evaluation, traceability and post-market surveillance requires a strategic approach that involves anticipating future requirements and quickly adapting to changes.

  1. A new methodology proposed by Professor Dr. Natalia Bellan

Professor Dr. Natália Bellan recently presented a new regulatory intelligence methodology focusing on three main pillars: prevention, adaptation and regulatory innovation. This approach involves using technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze large volumes of global regulatory data and generate predictive insights. The use of these tools allows companies not only to respond to regulatory changes, but also to anticipate and proactively prepare their development processes.

Furthermore, the proposed methodology highlights the importance of international cooperation between regulatory agencies and industry. By sharing data and best practices, companies can reduce the risks associated with differing regulatory interpretations and shorten the time to market for new products.

  1. Impact on society

The adoption of the new methodology brings direct benefits to society, as it enables faster access to innovative drugs and devices that improve the treatment of various diseases. By anticipating regulatory changes, companies can avoid delays in bringing essential products to market, contributing to more effective treatments for serious and emerging diseases.

Additionally, regulatory intelligence focused on innovation and safety provides greater consumer protection as products that do not meet the highest quality standards are quickly identified and removed from the market. This reduces the risk of health incidents and increases public trust in medicines and products.

  1. Importance for the Nordic countries

The Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) are characterized by some of the highest living standards and highly developed health care systems focused on technological innovation. In this context, regulatory information is particularly important to ensure that new healthcare technologies are rapidly approved and made available to the public.

These countries have distinguished themselves as pioneers in the introduction of artificial intelligence-based medical devices and personalized medicines, areas that require flexible and efficient regulatory processes. Implementing advanced regulatory intelligence methodology can further strengthen the Nordic countries’ position as global leaders in healthcare, facilitating continuous innovation without compromising safety and quality.

Moreover, these countries have a high degree of cooperation between their regulatory agencies and the private sector, facilitating the exchange of information and accelerating adaptation to new regulations, especially those related to emerging technologies. Well-applied, regulatory information can help maintain the balance between innovation and safety, ensuring that society continues to have access to the best treatments.

Regulatory intelligence, especially thanks to the new methodology proposed by Professor Natália Belan, represents a key advancement in the global healthcare sector. By anticipating and adapting to regulatory changes, medicines and medical devices can be brought to market faster, safer and more efficiently. The impact of this innovation will be particularly felt in regions such as the Nordics, which are already at the forefront of healthcare innovation and where demand for high-tech products is growing rapidly.

Thanks to this approach, all of society benefits from faster access to new therapies, with greater certainty about the safety of healthcare products and maintaining a stable and predictable regulatory environment. Ultimately, regulatory intelligence could change how treatments are developed and made available to populations around the world.