
A neighbor called the police while the children were playing on the trampoline

“Children should be seen, not heard” is strange and very outdated advice that seems to be making a comeback lately, at least judging by many people’s reactions to children.

But for one couple on TikTok, this unreasonable wait resulted in more than the usual hot takes and snide comments about hating children. The situation escalated in a way that left them and many people online confused. Imagine if you had neighbors who actually called the police because your kids were being too loud while happily playing in their own yard?!

The couple’s neighbors called the police about their children playing on the trampoline in the yard.

TikTokers and YouTubers The Kaskie family often shares interesting moments from their lives as parents of five girls, and recently shared a look at what it’s like for their difficult next-door neighbors.

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“Who in the world would call the police because kids are playing on a trampoline?” Kaskies asked in text displayed on a video screen that showed a police officer coming to their home after reporting “screaming children.”

“Our neighbors called the police on us several times,” Mr. Kaskie told the confused police officer. – Sorry, you’re here for that.

The incident occurred after more than two years of harassment from neighbors.

Because child-hatred seems to REALLY be having a cultural moment now (and I say this as someone who doesn’t particularly like them myself but is nevertheless surprised by the vitriol they currently inspire), Kaskie has received pushback from people who believe that children should never be heard “screaming”.

This is absurd at first glance – children are children, not 35-year-old librarians. However, to emphasize the meaning of the Kaski neighbors’ scream, another day they published a video showing their children playing on a trampoline. Well, the “scream” you’re talking about is just kids laughing and playing on the trampoline.

However, in another video responding to the controversy, the Kaskies said they experienced quite constant harassment from the same neighbor – and especially no others.

“We tried to be nice for about two years,” Mr. Kaskie said. “We told the kids to come inside. Until one day (the neighbor) decided to turn our kids around and say ‘shut up’ in full words.” That, he said, was “the game over” and now they were done placating the lady next door.

“Kids will be kids and that’s it,” Kaskie said. – So go ahead and move if you don’t like it. Many commenters strongly agreed. “Your family deserves to enjoy their home,” one of them wrote. – You’ve been struggling with this for two years? another wrote. “Thank you, you are so patient.”

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The couple received a text message from their neighbor’s husband, which showed that even he did not support his wife’s attitude towards the children.

When neighbors saw police coming to their home, many people in the community Facebook group expressed their concerns. When Kaskie explained the situation, they received an outpouring of supportive comments.

It’s likely that some of this reaction reached neighbors, as the Kaskies later shared a text message from the woman’s husband that was quite revealing. In it, he wrote that his wife had a “panic attack” and that “high-pitched screams” unnerved her.

He asked Mr. Kaskie if he could just tell his children to tone it down, then added, “Beautiful family, by the way, you’re great neighbors.” For many viewers, this was not only an attempt to defuse the situation, but also confirmation that he was just as frustrated with his wife as Kaskie was.

Anyway, Mr. Kaskie simply replied that the kids were just having fun and that there would be birthdays like this “for the next 12 years.” People praised him for his tenacity, especially since it wasn’t his job to help his neighbor deal with her mental problems.

The bottom line is that no one has to like children. But they have the right to exist outside the home. They can play and be children. People today are too comfortable demanding that a child never, in any context and under any circumstances, cause them any trouble.

But unfortunately we live in a society that embraces children. And if you have this much trouble sharing space with them, you should move to a 50+ community or a remote area. No one owes you the disappearance of their children for your convenience.

Children are people too, and each of us was once like that – and we did not remain silent about it. And if so, it’s because our parents guided us through threats and fear, even downright abuse.

Children are dirty and noisy because they are children. And people really need to figure out how to deal with this.

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John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer covering pop culture, social justice and human interests.