
The Association of Arab Chambers discusses strengthening joint Arab activities

The Qatar Chamber hosted the 135th Session of the Council of the Association of Arab Chambers on Sunday in the presence of HE the Minister of Trade and Industry Sheikh Mohamed bin Hamad bin Qassim al-Thani.

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Qatar Chamber, Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim al-Thani; Ambassador Dr. Ali bin Ibrahim al-Malki, Deputy Secretary-General and Head of the Economic Affairs Sector of the Arab League; Samir Abdulla Nass, Speaker of the Bahrain House and President of the Union in the closing session; and Samir Majoul, President of the Tunisian Union of Industry and Trade and President of the Union during the current session.

HE Sheikh Mohamed emphasized the importance of developing cooperation between business sectors of the Arab world, activating and modernizing the Arab private sector for the benefit of Arab economies, and efforts to achieve Arab economic integration.

The Minister also noted that the Arab region has enormous potential, abundant wealth, diverse natural resources and advanced human potential, asserting that these resources qualify the Arab world to occupy a significant position on the global economic map.

Sheikh Mohamed praised the tireless efforts of Arab leaders to leverage these resources to achieve Arab economic integration, achieve sustainable development and fight poverty and unemployment, which will result in a flexible economic policy in which the private sector plays a leading role.

“The Arab region offers many promising investment opportunities in various fields, especially in light of the existence of leading economic laws and Arab free zones, which provide greater opportunities to promote economic integration, activate intra-Arab trade and create a sustainable and diversified market in the Arab economy,” he said.

The Minister emphasized the role of the Arab private sector in the development process, especially through the development of more flexible and effective economic policies and through greater coordination and cooperation between chambers in Arab countries.

He reiterated that Qatar welcomes all initiatives and programs that support and strengthen the position of the Arab private sector in the economic arena and enable it to play its expected role by strengthening the partnership between the public and private sectors.

Sheikh Mohamed also emphasized that Qatar’s economy has recorded significant growth in recent years, supported by the economic plans and strategies adopted by the state aimed at creating an attractive business environment for investments, pointing out that the most important projects implemented before the 2022 FIFA World Cup have contributed to accelerating the plans economic diversification as part of Qatar National Vision 2030.

The Minister said: “Qatar’s Third National Development Strategy 2024-2030 aims to focus on priority sectors such as the low-carbon minerals industry and renewable energy sources. Key sectors identified under this strategy offer promising opportunities, including industrial, logistics, information technology, digital services, finance, food, agriculture, health, education and other key sectors. To achieve these goals, QR100 billion of investment has been committed to the local economy by 2030.”

For his part, al-Malki said that Arab countries attach great importance to the Arab private sector as a key pillar of economic and social development. He also highlighted its role in promoting collective Arab action, emphasizing its potential to achieve economic surplus through mutual benefits and supporting sustainable development.

Al-Malki highlighted the impact of Arab economic integration and the role of the Arab private sector in supporting common Arab projects and meeting the needs of Arab civil society.

He stressed the importance of continuing the fruitful cooperation between the League of Arab States and the Union to support common Arab economic and investment cooperation in the light of delivering new initiatives to stimulate Arab economies.

Sheikh Khalifa emphasized that the union’s session covers several important strategic issues, expressing confidence in the Council’s ability to make the right decisions and take necessary actions on each issue, especially those related to critical regional and international developments and challenges that affect our Arab economy.

He thanked HE Sheikh Mohamed for inaugurating the meeting, as well as Nass for his dedicated efforts and sincere work during his tenure as the union chairman. Sheikh Khalifa congratulated Majoul on assuming the presidency of the current session, expressing confidence in his ability to maintain the momentum of achievements through the mechanisms and goals that the Union seeks to achieve for the benefit of the Arab economy in general.

Additionally, Sheikh Khalifa thanked the General Secretariat, headed by Dr. Khaled Hanafi, for its valuable efforts to develop the union and improve its activities, while activating its role both regionally and internationally. He also praised the role of the secretariat in proposing strategic topics and issues for the agenda of the Union Council meetings, highlighting the significant efforts undertaken in the overall interest of the Arab economy.

Sheikh Khalifa, on behalf of the Arab private sector, condemned and condemned all the brutal massacres taking place in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon by the Israeli occupation in the complete absence of the international community, which remains helpless and silent in the face of these crimes.

During the meeting, the union’s chairmanship was transferred from Bahrain to Tunisia, where Nass handed over the chairmanship for the current session to Majoul. Speaking at the meeting, Majoul reaffirmed his confidence that the Tunisian Presidency will support and bring fruit to common Arab economic activities and strengthen the role of the private sector at the Arab and international levels.

Majoul expressed hope that the Union will continue to achieve the desired Arab economic integration and increase the role of the private sector and Arab chambers in the economic landscape of the Arab world.

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