
Interview with Ben Cox from Texas: Integration with client companies

Ben Cox, Chief Product Officer at Texada Software talks about eliminating cumbersome paper processes, a revolutionary e-commerce solution, the rapid development of artificial intelligence, improving mobile applications and more.

What’s new in your software and technology?

Helmsman: At Texada, we are revolutionizing the rental industry with our cutting-edge Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. Because our software is fully cloud-based, it is not only easy to use and manage, but also allows us to constantly innovate and improve our offering.

One of our most exciting developments is the launch of our state-of-the-art lease management solution. It’s automated, intuitive, and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Our mobile apps have also undergone significant improvements, increasing their value to the leasing team members who most often interact with customers and equipment. We’ve introduced a groundbreaking on-site returns feature that eliminates cumbersome paper processes and streamlines the delivery, collection and management of equipment.

Our e-commerce product, Gateway, is the next revolution, allowing rental companies to easily set up online storefronts. This innovation is ideal for small and medium-sized rental companies looking to expand their business through e-commerce.

Texada Pay is another standout feature that seamlessly integrates card payments with the Texada platform. Customers have described it as a “game-changer” because it simplifies transactions and drives business growth.

Finally, we have strengthened our core platform technology, achieving compliance with ISO and SOC standards, ensuring the highest levels of security and reliability.

What impact has artificial intelligence had on your software and technology, and what potential do you see in the future?

Helmsman: Artificial intelligence, especially multilingual models, has been revolutionary for us. Internally, we have leveraged AI to increase productivity and will soon launch an AI-powered feature that automatically generates product descriptions for online hardware listings on our e-commerce platform.

We use computer vision to identify damage, advanced data tools in our Analytics product and dynamic pricing. These innovations will enable our client teams to become superheroes for their clients without replacing the human touch.

Our perspective on AI is that its true value lies in deeply understanding the unique needs of our customers. As with other software capabilities, the effectiveness of AI depends on its application to solve specific problems tailored to the needs of heavy equipment companies.

How important is the integration of all your systems?

Helmsman: Integration is at the heart of our strategy. Our open API covers thousands of endpoints, and our affiliate program includes dozens of companies, with more joining every month. We recently established an Integration Factory within our technology teams to develop both external partnerships and internal product suite integrations.

What new trends in technology do you expect in the near future?

Helmsman: Looking into the crystal ball of technology, several trends stand out:

Artificial Intelligence and LLM: These technologies are developing at a breakneck pace. Their accessibility to non-technical teams will likely lead to rapid innovation and adoption, well beyond existing technological advances. The last 18 months since the release of ChatGPT 3.0 are proof of this acceleration.

Technology budgets: Organizations will need to allocate resources to new AI tools, potentially leading to consolidation of software tools. Platforms with deep operational capabilities and integration with customers’ businesses will thrive, but point solutions may struggle.

User experience and reporting: With all the hype around predictive models, artificial intelligence, and automation in your technology strategy, don’t underestimate the value of great user experience and solid reporting.

What is the most important contribution of telematics to a rental company and how difficult is it to integrate telematics with a rental management operating system?

Helmsman: Telematics offers huge, untapped potential for rental companies. Telematics not only enables you to locate equipment and schedule maintenance, but also ensures high service availability by predicting and preventing equipment failures.

Fleet optimization is another key benefit, helping you determine the best equipment locations and inventory replacement schedule. To maximize these benefits, telematics data must be integrated with comprehensive customer and equipment information, which we provide as part of our rental management solution.

What are the main concerns and issues that rental industry clients are asking about when it comes to software that can solve their problems and help them operate more efficiently? Is there anything specific that the leasing staff are asking for?

Helmsman: Our customers are constantly on the move, coping with uneven demand. This means speed and accuracy are key, especially for shipyard, workshop and field teams. That’s why we’re constantly improving our mobile apps to simplify their workflow in and out of store.

Managers and branch owners need visibility across all business areas, which is why analytics is a priority. We are investing heavily in this area to meet their needs.

In addition, rental companies strive to accelerate payments, automate recurring billing and minimize AR risk. Texady’s integrated payment solution meets these needs, ensuring smooth, speedy and secure transactions.

For equipment companies, there is a growing demand for integration, especially for the exchange of customer data between rental teams, machine sales teams and service departments. We’re enhancing these connections across our suite to better support our customers.