
OJ Simpson is dead, no one told me | Bluff

Despite preaching journalistic integrity and interpersonal honesty, no one in my life chose to tell me that short-lived comedian and accused murderer OJ Simpson had died. Apparently the death occurred a few months ago, around the same time the movie “Abigail” was released. that’s most likely why I missed it. Like my friend Derek, who was hit by three fire trucks in quick succession, he died of prostate cancer. Unlike OJ, I’m not allowed to talk about Derek right now due to his constant accusations.

I am very confused why no one thought to inform me of his death. To be completely transparent, I haven’t known where he went for months. After extensive research, it turned out that there was a lot more OJ Simpson around last year. There was probably about 73% more of it than before. Some said it was due to his release from prison, but I think he felt more inspired, for better or worse. Not only was I just told, but I wasn’t even told by a source close to Juice – it was told to me by a therapist I have for something very specific and private.

This makes sense because in 1994 no one told me about the trial. It took me months to realize what was happening, and even longer to realize that my TV was in Spanish and I didn’t actually hear a word. I thought this surfer did it. Those close to me know that if I had written a report on Simpson back then, everything would have turned out differently. There are questions that still haunt me: Why a white Ford Bronco? Why not blue? What about 1994 that made people so aggressive? Wouldn’t gloves be warmer?

Unfortunately, I will never be able to ask. Many men and many reporters squandered their chances of reaching Sok’s base. Although I never got the chance, I assure the reading audience that I would work tirelessly to at least find out who actually killed these people. Side note – no one told me he played football! It has more layers than a wrapped onion.