
Scaling your business through Amazon: the success story of Maksim Fishman

In the cutthroat world of e-commerce, where competition is fierce and opportunities seem endless, Maksim Fishman’s story is a shining example of how an entrepreneur from Russia can conquer the heights of Amazon. His journey from founding a technology startup to owning a multi-million dollar company in the US market is not only impressive, but also inspiring for those who dream of global success.

From Russian markets to Amazon

“I never thought I would sell products to Americans,” Maksim recalls. He started his e-commerce journey in Russia by founding Sellerhelp. This innovative startup quickly became one of the leading partners of the largest marketplaces in the CIS.

Working with giants such as Wildberries, Ozon and Yandex.Market, Maksim immersed himself in the world of online sales, developing analytical and optimization tools for sellers. “We helped people understand how this complex ecosystem works,” Fishman explains.

This experience gave Maksim a deep understanding of the mechanisms of online platforms. Observing global trends, he was aware of the enormous potential of international markets, especially American ones.

The decision to enter the international market through Amazon was not spontaneous. Maksim carefully studied the experiences of other international sellers, analyzed market trends and assessed risks. He understood that it would be a challenge – a new country, a different language and a different business culture. But Fishman also noted that his experience with Sellerhelp gave him a unique advantage. He already knew how to work with big data, how to optimize processes and how to scale a business in an online environment. “You know, it’s like learning to swim. You can stand on the shore and look into the water for a long time, but at some point you just have to jump into the water,” he says.

Moreover, Maksim realized that entering Amazon was not only the development of his business, but a chance to create something truly global. It was an opportunity not only to increase sales, but also to build international brands that could reach consumers around the world.

Choosing a business model: a strategic approach

After careful analysis, Maksim chose the wholesale model. This strategy involved purchasing products from well-known brands in large quantities and then selling them on Amazon. The choice was influenced by several factors:

  1. Quick start: the ability to start selling well-known brands without having to create your own product for a long time.
  2. Reduced Risk: Selling already popular products reduced the likelihood of rejection in the marketplace.
  3. Focus on efficiency: the ability to focus on optimizing processes and increasing margins.

Fishman’s initial investment was approximately $100,000 to $120,000. This amount was not invested immediately, but was spread over the entire first year of operation. This approach allowed Maksim to flexibly respond to business needs and adapt the strategy as the company developed.

Scaling strategy: maximizing profits in a wholesale model

After successfully entering Amazon, Maksim developed a comprehensive business scaling strategy. It contained three key elements:

  1. In-depth market analysis

Maksim used his experience with Sellerhelp to thoroughly analyze the Amazon marketplace. “Data is the new oil in the e-commerce world,” he says. The entrepreneur focused on finding “blue oceans” – undervalued market segments in which he could take leading positions. He paid particular attention to consumer behavior trends, seasonality of demand and product margins.

  1. Optimization and automation

“Imagine you are juggling five balls at the same time. One ball is the product, the second is logistics, the third is advertising, the fourth is reviews, and the fifth is finance. Throw just one and everything will fall apart” – Maksim explains the importance of effectively managing all aspects of the company.

He implemented advanced inventory management and price automation systems, which allowed for a quick response to market changes and maintaining an optimal balance between sales volume and profit.

Maksim’s strategic approach has yielded impressive results. “In our first year at Amazon, we achieved $1 million in sales,” he proudly notes.

Several factors contributed to this success:

– Effective use of the wholesale model for a quick start

– Precise selection of product niches based on in-depth market analysis

– Optimization of operational processes to maximize profits

– Competent management of advertising campaigns on the platform

“Reaching $1 million in sales was an important milestone, but we saw it as just the beginning of our journey,” Fishman emphasizes. “It confirmed the viability of our business model and opened up new growth opportunities.”

There are a few more factors that have played a key role in its success on Amazon:

  1. Effective inventory and logistics management

“At Amazon, every day a product is idle in the warehouse is a loss of money,” explains Fishman. “But product shortages can also have disastrous effects on ratings and sales.”

  1. Working with seller reviews and ratings

“Every review is an opportunity to improve your product and service,” says Maksim. “A negative review can be even more valuable than a positive one if you respond to it appropriately.”

  1. Adaptation to the American market

“American consumers are very different from Russian consumers,” says Maksim. “They have different product expectations, different approaches to service, different holidays and seasonal trends. Americans are very demanding customers. They do not forgive mistakes and are willing to leave a negative review even for minor issues. But you know what? It forced us to become better.”

The Amazon Incubator project: a new level

The accumulated experience allowed Maksim to launch a unique project – “Amazon Incubator”. This initiative aims to create and develop brands for subsequent sale to large aggregators.

“We are like a kindergarten for brands. We breed them, teach them to walk, and then send them out into the wide world,” Fishman jokes. “Only instead of children we have products, and instead of parents we have investors.”

The project operates in a partnership model with investors, offering them the opportunity to enter the world of Amazon trading with minimal risk. The minimum entry threshold for one brand is USD 20,000.

Advice for beginner sellers

Based on his experience, Maksim Fishman gives some key advice to people just starting their adventure with Amazon:

  1. Research the market thoroughly before launching. “Don’t chase trends. Once you notice them, it’s too late. Look for niches where you can create something unique.”
  2. Carefully study all Amazon policies and follow their updates. Violations may result in account blocking.
  3. Invest in high-quality offers. “Don’t skimp on photos and product descriptions. This is your storefront and it should shine.”
  4. Regularly analyze the market and adjust prices. “Learn to read between the lines in reviews. “Customers often suggest how to improve the product.”
  5. Be prepared for intense work. “Amazon does not forgive laziness. In the beginning, you will be working 24/7.”

“Remember, success at Amazon is a marathon, not a sprint,” summarizes Maksim. “Be prepared to constantly learn and adapt. The market is changing every day, and your ability to change will determine your success.”

Despite his achievements, Maksim has no intention of stopping. He is convinced that the future lies in personalization and the use of artificial intelligence in sales. “Imagine that Amazon knows what you need before you even realize it. This is exactly where we are heading,” he shares his vision.

“E-commerce is like surfing. You either catch the wave or it overwhelms you,” says Maksim. “You know what the main secret to success on Amazon is? Never stop learning. As soon as you think you know it all – that’s it, you’ve lost.”

The story of Maksim Fishman shows that with the right approach, Amazon opens up unique opportunities for entrepreneurs from all over the world. These opportunities are available to anyone who is ready to learn, adapt and persistently pursue their goals.