
UNODC supports the technical mission of ACTO countries to Brazil in cooperation with IBAMA

Representatives from countries

Brazil, September 30, 2024 – Brasilia (DF) and Porto Velho (RO) hosted a technical mission of the countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) from 23 to 28 September. The meeting between Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela and Suriname was supported by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Brazil under the project Strengthening the Criminal Justice System’s Response to Forest Crimes (CRIMFLO), Brazilian Institute Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and ACTO.

During the week, representatives of Amazonian countries had the opportunity to learn about IBAMA’s work in areas such as environmental inspection, combating deforestation, environmental intelligence, preventing and fighting fires, forest concessions, monitoring and control of logging and timber trade, among others. others. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and the Chico Mendes Biodiversity Conservation Institute (ICMBio) also participated in presentations on their areas of activity.

During the meeting, countries were able to share and exchange experiences on ongoing efforts to prevent and control deforestation and monitor the environment in the Amazon region, as well as discuss the results already achieved in forest protection. The mission included meetings at the IBAMA and OTCA headquarters in Brasilia, as well as the delegation’s participation in the IBAMA inspection operation in Porto Velho.

ACTO member countries

During the operation, carried out with the support of the Federal Police and the National Security Forces, focusing on the control of logging activities, four logging companies, a management plan and a deforestation area were inspected. As a result, IBAMA seized over a thousand cubic meters of illegal wood.

In addition to strengthening cooperation between ACTO member countries on preventing and controlling deforestation and protecting the Amazon rainforest, the technical mission also helped consolidate the commitments made within ACTO in August 2023. On this occasion, Amazon countries identified joint programs to reduce forest degradation and protect both the ecosystem and the people living in it.

CRIMFLO – The UNODC project in Brazil is supported by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). It aims to strengthen the criminal justice system’s response to illegal deforestation and timber trade in Brazil by supporting different levels of law enforcement through the provision of technical assistance, cross-border and interregional cooperation, interagency coordination, and partnerships with the private sector.