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Commerz Real stößt Shopping Center with 25%-Aufschlag ab

Commerz Real stößt Shopping Center with 25%-Aufschlag ab

The real estate trade often invests in its portfolio of residential real estate funds in a €168.2 million Spanish shopping center and Lighthouse Properties, which completed a high-volume deal on the Iberian Peninsula during this year.


The purchase price for the entire shopping center “Espai Girones” cost 168.2 million euros and gave a helping hand to a higher price than the purchase price of approximately 127.8 million euros in 2005. “Real estate waged war on the market and we managed sales. Every shopping center strives to find a good way to work,” said Mario Schüttauf, director of the Hausinvest fund.

Als Gründe für die Wertsteigerung nennt der Fondsmanager ua die bauliche Verbindung zum angrenzenden Fachmarktzentrum ass Basis for steigende Besucherzahlen and somit more Vermietungen. In Folge stores, Primark and Auchan-Tocher Alcampo have two large rental agencies in Girona to earn. The shopping center includes 105 stores and 40,000 m² of retail space. Laut Commerz Real bewegen sich Besucher- und Umsatzzahlen sowie Flächenproduktivität inzwischen auch wieder auf Vor-Corona-Niveau oder darüber.

For den Lighthouse Properties, the Asset Deal represents the largest investment volume this year. In January 2025, South Africa’s SOCIMI achieved an annualized sales price of 7.2% (based on transaction costs) over the 12-month net exchange rate forecast.

Die Immobilie passt laut Lighthouse gut in die Strategie, in dominant Einkaufszentren in wachsenden Städten mit starken wirtschaftlichen Fundamentaldaten zu investieren. As in the other shopping centers of the Iberian Portfolio and in the Spain Girones stores like Primark and Zara on Board, the Dominanz der Einkaufszentrums in ihren jeweiligen Märkten unterstreicht.

Mit dem erneuten Kauf erhöht sich das Engagement der von Lighthouse direkt gehaltenen Immobilien auf der iberischen Halbinsel auf 76%. Employers have planned over the last three years: the flagship is secured by the Alegro Montijo shopping center in Montijo for 178 million euros, the H2O shopping center in Rivas-Vaciamadrid by CBRE IM and Alpha Real Trust for 111 million euros and the Salera shopping center in Castellón DWS for 171 million euros.