
Letters: Utility tax | Green energy

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Artificial intelligence threats are needed
regulation by the state

As artificial intelligence continues to drive groundbreaking advances, we must carefully consider its implications. Where should we draw the line? There must be restrictions on who has access to it, who creates it, and how it is implemented. There is an undeniable risk of malicious use of AI.

When we talk about artificial intelligence, we are not talking about algorithms; the crux of the problem lies in programs like ChatGPT, Voice.AI and MidJourney. These platforms have the ability to modify real-world images and videos, which creates unique challenges and risks. Many cases of AI-generated revenge porn have already been reported. Famous figures such as the President of the United States are also not safe; using “deepfake” technology, they can be made to appear to be saying or doing things they have never done.

I encourage all of us to put pressure on our legislators to address the undeniable dangers of artificial intelligence. We can do it.

Maja Velasco
San José

Lawmakers are on their side
with PG&E regarding utility tax

Once again, taxpayers rebelling against a regressive utility tax were ignored as members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee sided with the utilities – led by PG&E and committee chairwoman Buffy Wicks of Oakland – and voted to reject the compromise in AB 1999. Only two Assembly members, Gail Pellerin and Tim Grayson, voted “yes” on AB 1999 to repeal the large utility tax. They are rare examples of courage in a sea of ​​cowardice and corruption.

Instead of paying a limited utility tax of $24 per month, ratepayers will be at the mercy of the utilities that favored and won the unlimited utility tax. Four million payers will see immediate bill increases, and that’s just the beginning.

State lawmakers have three months to pass legislation stopping the large utility tax. I encourage everyone to write, call or visit their legislators’ offices and let them know that they must end this utility tax or they will face repercussions in the elections.

Rebecca Elliot
San José

The Bay Area needs to grow
green energy policy

I’m writing to advocate for more renewable green energy in our city. The Bay Area, known for its high commuter population, faces significant air pollution challenges. To combat climate change and improve air quality, we must promote policies that encourage the use of electric vehicles and the installation of solar panels in homes and buildings.

Encouraging home and building owners to install solar panels could significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, increasing the availability of electric vehicle chargers will make electric cars more accessible and practical in everyday use. These initiatives will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also create a cleaner and healthier environment for all residents.

It is extremely important for our community to take active steps towards a sustainable future. By implementing these green energy policies, we can lead the fight against climate change and protect our environment for future generations.

Francisco Manzo
San José

The war in Gaza shows that we
I need a higher ideal

Re: “Bay Area nurse recalls horror and heartbreak of Gaza mission” (May 20).

Whether an isolationist or an institutionalist, humanity has one thing in common; we all strive to leave behind a better world for our children. The recent arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court against both the leaders of Israel and Hamas underscore a global imperative: 21st century humanity, with our near constant access to information, will no longer tolerate crimes against humanity. It is time for us to stand up and say no to systematic starvation and brutality against all humanity. We can and must strive for a higher ideal.

Akeem Mostamanda
San José

Ending the violence in Gaza
necessary for both parties

As the war in Gaza continues, children are the main victims. Imagine no food or water, no school or play, and the loss of family members.

Israel and Hamas should rethink peace talks. Over time, people will become apathetic towards the war and these two forces must act quickly, free the hostages and end the war.

Ce McGettigan
San José

Biden is no better
choice than Trump

Re: “Trump must not return to the White House” (page A6, May 22).