
How solar generators can power your gadgets while camping

Most of us would find it difficult to live without our devices, even when we enjoy the great outdoors. Whether we’re going on a short hike or camping deep in the woods, who wouldn’t want their phone charged to take photos or, in an emergency, make an important call?

The good news is that it’s totally possible, even if you’re miles away from the nearest power outlet. Solar generators – essentially a portable power plant connected to a solar panel – can charge your devices and absorb additional energy from the sun.

“Ultimately, it’s about convenient power that allows us to live on the go, whether we’re camping, off-grid or on an extended vacation,” said Shawn Budiac, vice president, divisional sales director, Batteries Plus.

Here’s what you need to know about how solar generators can be a part of your next camping trip.

Solar generators and camping

If you’ve never heard of a portable power station, it’s basically a large battery that you can take with you and use to power your electronics. These portable batteries are considered “solar generators” when connected to portable solar panels, which in turn can supplement the power plant to ensure continuous power.

This has tons of uses when you’re camping. You can plug in your phone to charge it, or if you’re working remotely from the forest, turn on your laptop. You can also connect LED lights to brighten up your camp, or an oscillating fan to keep insects away.

“It’s not only convenience, but also, depending on where you camp, peace of mind,” Budiac said.

Choosing the best solar generator for your camping needs

The best solar power generator for you depends entirely on what exactly you want to get out of it. Here are some specifications that may help you make your decision.

Battery capacity

There’s quite a long battery range there. Solar generators can offer anywhere from 300 watt-hours to 1,500 watt-hours or more.

Budiac said that, for example, a 300 Wh battery can last about 25 cell phone charges, run a fan for a few hours or turn on an LED light for a few days. Once you get to 600Wh and above, all of these capabilities increase accordingly, but the generators get bigger and heavier.

“It just becomes a portability issue,” Budiac said. He recommends considering what you really want to use it for and getting enough power so you don’t have to carry extra weight.

Solar capacity

There are many options here too. A 100-watt solar panel is quite common, but can go up to 300 watts. “The beauty is that there are so many options these days,” Budiac said.

But again, there is a trade-off between power and portability. A larger panel will use up the generator faster, but it will be larger. Budiac said that under ideal conditions, with the sun at its peak, it would take about three hours to fully charge the 300-watt-hour generator using a 100-watt panel.

Keep in mind that unless you’re really vigilant about solar charging times, you probably won’t get 3 hours of perfect sun every day. So let’s assume that in most scenarios it may take the panels longer to charge the plant.


Battery capacity isn’t the only thing you need to consider. There is also power output, and while larger batteries tend to have higher power output, there are some limitations. And if you want to power energy-hungry devices, you’ll need a lot of energy – especially for startup.

For example, if you want to plug in a coffee maker, it may draw an initial boost of 1,200 watts when you turn it on, but then drop to 500 watts while running. In this case, a 600-watt solar generator would probably be able to run the device because the operating power is low enough despite the short starting stroke.

Budiac recommends thinking about the type of devices you want to connect to your generator. Make sure the model you purchase has a power output high enough to accommodate the power draw from these electronics. Also consider the type of output ports you want: this could be a combination of USB sockets and standard air conditioning sockets, for example.

Charging speed

In peak conditions, a solar panel may be able to charge a generator in about the same time as a wall outlet, Budiac said. But in most cases you won’t have luck charging your panels during peak sunlight hours. In this case, “charging from a socket will always be faster,” Budiac said.

Also remember that you probably won’t always drain the generator battery to zero. So if you only need to charge from 60% to 100%, it will take less time to charge.

Length of life

How long will your battery last? “Durability will depend on how you use it and how often,” Budiac said.

Many solar generators come with a two-year warranty, but they usually last much longer. A solar generator used occasionally during camps and fully charged when stored can last more than five years, Budiac said.


You probably already understand that these things can be hard. Make sure you don’t buy too much battery capacity, which will result in an unnecessarily heavy solar generator.

Budiac said smaller models can weigh as little as 10 pounds, while larger ones can weigh 40 pounds or more. Consider whether you can (or want) to carry this burden at camp.

How much does a photovoltaic generator cost?

Budiac said portable power plants typically cost about $1 per watt-hour. This means that a 300 Wh generator could cost around $300, for example. For more powerful models, the price may drop slightly. Expect to pay another few hundred dollars for portable solar panels.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to charge a solar generator?

It depends on how big your power plant and solar panels are. Many portable solar panels have a power of around 100 watts. Under these conditions, it would take about six hours to charge a 600 Wh generator at peak conditions.

How to maintain a solar generator?

Keeping your battery fully charged between uses can help extend its life. Also try to store it in a dry place that is not too cold or too hot.