
New Jersey is one of the worst states for artificial intelligence

We all have mixed feelings about the development of artificial intelligence, but New Jerseyans can agree on one thing: we will not skimp on artificial intelligence in our approach.

Preply recently conducted a study to find out which states are the nicest and meanest when it comes to AI devices (Alexa, Siri, automated phone representatives, Face ID on your phone), and they warn: New Jersey is rude.

I’ll wait until you pick your jaw up off the floor.



To create its rankings, Preply surveyed respondents about their language using artificial intelligence, which included:

📲 Politeness and rudeness

📲Ways of expressing yourself

📲 Differences in communicating with people

Based on this, it can be concluded that the people of New Mexico are the nicest towards their AI devices. Connecticut, however, was last.

Photo by Nicolas J. Leclercq on Unsplash

Photo by Nicolas J. Leclercq on Unsplash

What about the Garden State? We are the fourth most rude to AI in the US

According to Preply, 39% of New Jersey residents said they do not use the words “please” and “thank you” when communicating with artificial intelligence.

Oh AI, do you think this is the worst you can experience in New Jersey? You haven’t seen anything yet!

Photo: MangoStar_Studio

Photo: MangoStar_Studio

The study found that the main way Americans express frustration with artificial intelligence is through raising their voices, insults and belittling people.

The only difference is that when we do it in the Garden State, we hold the folded slice of pizza with one hand and salute our device with the other.

Joking aside, Preply says New Jerseyans are most likely to express their anger USING ALL CAPS.

A disgusted man reads a text message


Just remember to be extra nice to Alexa when you ask her to play New Jersey 101.5.

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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5’s Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie’s own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.

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