
Zero Carbon Systems acquires Global Thermostat | Acquisitions

Colorado-based Global Thermostat has been acquired by Zero Carbon Systems, a direct air capture (DAC) specialist that wants to have a million-ton scale plant around 2030.

Ahead of its 2030 plans, Zero Carbon Systems hopes to launch a 2,500-tonne-per-year demonstration plant in 2025-2026, followed by a 50,000-tonne-per-year commercial plant two years later.

David Elenowitz, founder and CEO of Zero Carbon System, said: “This acquisition brings us a giant step closer to getting all the pieces in place to achieve highly scalable, low-cost, low-energy carbon dioxide (CO2) removal at megaton-plus scale.

Elenowitz previously invested in Global Thermostat through Zero Carbon Partners, an investment firm he founded in 2019 to expand its low-carbon business.

With this purchase, Zero Carbon Systems will gain access to Global Thermostat’s solids adsorption process, in which fans blow air through a proprietary company that binds CO2, which is then separated using low-temperature heat.

DAC: Explained

DAC technologies directly capture CO2 from the atmosphere, helping to achieve net zero.

The technology is highly scalable and has many advantages as a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solution: it enables sustainable sequestration, is directly measurable and does not interfere with natural systems.

DAC can be used in conjunction with underground storage or mineralization to permanently remove previous CO2 emissions. Alternatively, captured carbon can be used.

Edgar Bronfman Jr., president of Global Thermostat, said: “We decided to make the acquisition because we realized that Zero Carbon Systems’ advanced, large-scale design, strong and proven management team and significant financial resources, combined with our highly developed core technology, clearly would position us as a market leader in the digital-to-analog converter industry.

North American CO2 Summit 2024

Join gasworld in September 2024 when our North American CO2 Summit takes place in Nashville. More information, including our theme and program, will be published in the coming weeks – you can register your interest to stay up to date.

Our 2023 North American CO2 Summit program focused on capturing, moving and using CO2 more efficiently and has sold out, so we recommend securing your space.

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