
The Fujian shipping route delivers goods to Taiwan faster

A cargo ship loaded with various daily necessities has departed the port of Quanzhou in Fujian Province and is headed to Kinmen, Taiwan, an example of how people in Taiwan can now receive goods purchased from mainland China more quickly through e-commerce platforms.

According to the Quanzhou Maritime Safety Administration, the ship sailed from Weitou Port last Thursday, carrying goods worth 3.33 million yuan ($456,000) and weighing 78.7 tons.

The cruise was a debut on the overseas container route between Jinjiang, where the port is located, and Kinmen.

The cargo consisted mainly of clothing, bags, outdoor products and mother’s and baby items. Once in Kinmen, the goods will be distributed to other parts of Taiwan by water and air.

According to a press release from Quanzhou MSA, Weitou is the point on the mainland closest to Kinmen, making it the shortest route. The opening of this express route allowed goods purchased through e-commerce platforms and destined for Kinmen to clear customs at the Quanzhou Comprehensive Customs Zone and be transported through Weitou Port.

The route enabled the package to be shipped to Taiwan from the mainland on the same day the order was placed, significantly reducing logistics and time costs for local companies, the press release said.

He added that this also means that goods purchased by mainland Taiwanese compatriots through e-commerce platforms can be delivered up to one day earlier than before.

Yang Yi, customs manager at Jinjiang Hangtuo E-commerce Co, said that before the express route was opened, the company’s goods had to be transported to Xiamen first and then from Xiamen to Kinmen.

“Thanks to the opening of this route, our company now has more time to collect goods. Meanwhile, delivery times for Taiwanese customers are expected to be five hours earlier or even a day earlier,” she said.

“This can provide consumers with a better shopping experience and help increase the volume of our business,” she added.

Hong Xiumian, deputy manager of the container division at Jinjiang Pacific Ports Development Co, said: “Weitou is the closest point on the mainland to Kinmen, and the fastest travel time is about one and a half hours.

“The opening of this route will provide a fast logistics channel for e-commerce across the Strait. We will continue to increase the frequency of sailings and transform Weitou Port into a cross-Strait e-commerce goods distribution hub for Taiwan.”