
2024 Medical Device Network Excellence Awards: HemoSonics

HemoSonics, a US-based medical device technology company, won the Innovation category at the 2024 Medical Device Network Excellence Awards for its Quantra Hemostasis System. This diagnostic device is the only one of its kind cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in four major indications, including cardiology, trauma, liver transplantation and major orthopedic surgery.

The Medical Device Network Excellence Awards recognize the greatest achievements and innovations in the industry. Powered by GlobalData business intelligence, the program provides a platform to recognize people and companies that are driving change.

The award recognizes HemoSonics’ innovative approach to hemostasis analysis, offering rapid, comprehensive blood testing and improving patient care in surgical and intensive care settings.

Revolutionary surgical blood analysis with Quantry

Quantra Hemostatis System

Before the advent of Quantra, existing technologies for testing the viscoelasticity of whole blood were too slow and cumbersome to be used in practice to guide real-time transfusions of blood products. Project Quantry addresses these challenges by offering an easy-to-use, interpret and maintain system that can be fully implemented in acute care hospitals.

Patented SEER Sonorheometry technology is at the heart of the system and uses novel ultrasonic pulses that measure the viscoelasticity of whole blood samples as clots form, offering a new way to measure coagulation.

Quantry Sample

Quantra’s ability to provide detailed blood analysis within 15 minutes right in the operating room and intensive care units is a game changer. This short turnaround time is crucial during complex surgery or recovery, enabling quick and appropriate interventions. The system’s efficiency could result in significant savings in blood resources in hospitals and help doctors optimize transfusions, which is better for patients.

Improving global health care standards and efficiency

The World Health Organization’s 2021 call to implement patient blood management as a standard of care highlights the importance of the Quantra system. By improving testing and conserving blood supplies, Quantra fits perfectly into these global healthcare standards, demonstrating its role in improving patient outcomes while lowering healthcare costs.

The system helps save the community’s blood supply and related costs. It may also help reduce unnecessary surgical resections, which in turn increases recovery time in the ICU. Comprehensive internal quality control (QC) and intuitive design make it an ideal point-of-care solution in busy perioperative environments.

Increased usability and integration with the Quantry project

Quantry Analyzer

As the next generation of viscoelastic hemostasis testing, Quantra boasts a fully automated, sealed, cartridge-based system that is flexible and durable. Quick learning, simple workflow, and strong correlation with standard laboratory tests make it an essential tool for healthcare providers.

Integration of the system with existing IT infrastructure and remote access capabilities further increases its attractiveness.

Additionally, the ease of use of the Quantra system is demonstrated by its three-press sequence and the fact that it takes less than one minute to initiate the test. After a short 30-minute training session, new users were able to read and interpret the results with 95% proficiency, demonstrating that the system was user-friendly.

Innovative technology ensuring quality control

The Quantra system also eliminates the need for pipetting, is resistant to vibration and provides excellent precision, making it suitable for use in the outpatient clinic (POC) or clinical laboratories. Internal system quality control runs automatically every eight hours and with every test, ensuring reliability without the need for additional quality control before use.

Quantra’s functional results and easy-to-read result screens are designed to be intuitive, with indicators, trends and curve displays helping you interpret comprehensive results at a glance. This level of innovation and user-centric design sets the Quantra system apart in the field of viscoelastic hemostasis research.

Bob Roda HemoSonics

“The Quantra Hemostasis System provides comprehensive point-of-care analysis of whole blood coagulation in less than 15 minutes and currently has the broadest range of FDA-cleared clinical indications of any cartridge-based viscoelastic testing system, including cardiac, trauma, hepatic, and major surgery orthopedic. Blood is a precious resource, so providing the best patient care is of the utmost importance. We are proud that our technology enables clinicians to make better and more informed decisions about blood transfusions, improves care for the patients we serve, and helps preserve blood for critically ill patients.”

– Bob Roda, president and CEO

company profile

HemoSonics logo

HemoSonics, LLC is a medical device technology company focused on treating acute bleeding, resulting in better patient care and lower overall medical costs. The Quantra Hemostasis Analyzer, HemoSonics’ flagship product, is designed to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs by providing optimized coagulation information.

The easy and quick interpretation of the Quantra system enables simple, more effective treatment of bleeding in the clinic and laboratory. Headquartered in Durham, North Carolina, HemoSonics is part of Stago Group, a leading in vitro diagnostics company focused on thrombosis and hemostasis.

Jan Friedl,

Global Marketing Director,


