
An examination of three emerging British companies with high insider ownership

The UK share market has shown resilience, with stable performance last week and a notable increase of 7.7% over the past year, with earnings growth expectations set at 13% annually. In this context, companies with a large amount of confidential information may be particularly attractive because they often indicate a strong alignment between the company’s management and the interests of shareholders.

Top 10 insider growing companies in the UK

Name Confidential property Increase in profits
Getech Group (CEL:GTC) 17.2% 86.1%
Gulf Keystone Petroleum (LSE:GKP) 10.7% 50.8%
Petrofac (LSE:PFC) 16.6% 115.4%
Spectrum Systems (AIM:SPSY) 23.3% 26.3%
Energy (LSE:ENOG) 10.7% 22.4%
Integrated Diagnostic Holdings (LSE:IDHC) 26.7% 27.9%
Plant Health Care (CEL:PHC) 26.4% 94.4%
Velocity Composites (AIM:VEL) 28.5% 140.5%
TEAM (GOAL: TEAM) 25.8% 58.6%
Afentra (Target: AET) 38.3% 198.2%

Click here to see the full list of the 66 stocks in our screener of high-growth UK companies with high insider ownership.

Below is a selection of stocks filtered on our screen.

Simply Wall St’s Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: Mortgage Advice Bureau (Holdings) plc operates in the UK and offers mortgage advice services through its subsidiaries, and has a market capitalization of approximately £516.65 million.

Operations: The company generates revenue mainly from the provision of financial services, amounting to £236.92 million.

Confidential property: 20.2%

Mortgage Advisory Office (Holdings) is a combination of stable exposure to confidential information and promising financial forecasts. Insiders have shown sustained trading activity recently, with neither selling nor buying significant shares, which may indicate confidence in the company’s trajectory. Over the last year, the company has seen earnings grow by 10.1%, with expectations of annual growth of 19.62% going forward, above the UK market average. However, the sustainability of the dividend is under scrutiny as it is not well reflected in earnings. Additionally, recent leadership appointments suggest an emphasis on strategic leadership to strengthen market positioning.

GOAL: MAB1 Increase in profits and revenues for May 2024

Simply Wall St’s Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: Hochschild Mining plc is a precious metals company engaged in the exploration, mining, processing and sale of gold and silver deposits in Peru, Argentina, the United States, Canada, Brazil and Chile, with a market capitalization of approximately £0.85 billion.

Operations: Hochschild Mining’s revenues mainly come from the Inmaculada mine, which generated $396.64 million, followed by the San Jose mine, which contributed $242.46 million, and the Pallancata mine, which contributed $54.05 million.

Confidential property: 38.4%

Hochschild Mining, a growth-oriented company that has seen significant insider purchasing over the past three months, is on track to achieve profitability within three years, beating average market growth expectations. Despite a recent net loss of $55.01 million for 2023 and slower revenue growth of 8.3% annually compared to high-growth companies, it remains proactive in seeking value-enhancing mergers and acquisitions, focusing on projects like Monte Do Carmo with large investment plans throughout the United States of $200 million.

LSE:HOC Earnings and Revenue Growth for May 2024

Simply Wall St’s Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: TBC Bank Group PLC operates in the financial services sector, offering banking, leasing, insurance, brokerage and card processing services in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, with a market capitalization of approximately £1.48 billion.

Operations: The company generates revenues from banking, leasing, insurance, brokerage and card processing services in three countries.

Confidential property: 17.9%

Highly insider-owned TBC Bank Group is trading 46.3% below estimated fair value, representing a potentially undervalued opportunity in the UK market. Despite challenges such as a high bad loan ratio (2.1%) and an unstable dividend history, the company has demonstrated strong recent performance, with a significant year-on-year profit increase to GEL 292.81 million and a revenue growth forecast of 18.9%. per year, well ahead of the UK market average. Recent successful fixed income offerings demonstrate strong market confidence and flexibility in financial strategy.

LSE:TBCG ownership breakdown as of May 2024

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