
More regulatory measures will be introduced in the Antarctic region

ANDAmidst the changing landscape of the Antarctic region, characterized by the growing geopolitical interests of major powers, the urgent need for scientific research against the backdrop of climate change, and the noticeable increase in tourism in Antarctica, the need for strengthened regulatory measures is becoming more and more evident. In this context, the convening of the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) and the 26th Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) in Kerala is significant. These meetings serve as a key forum for addressing the multi-faceted challenges and opportunities that shape Antarctica’s future, including geopolitical considerations, environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable tourism practices.

The 46th ATCM Meeting and 26th CEP Meeting began on May 20 in Kochi, Kerala, marking a major event in global efforts to sustainably manage and protect the Antarctic region. Organized by the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) in Goa, under the supervision of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, these meetings bring together over 350 representatives from nearly 40 countries, demonstrating a collective commitment to address the challenges facing this fragile and unique continent. .

Key points of the ATCM agenda

Agenda of the 46th ATCM session is comprehensive and includes: Strategic planning – developing long-term strategies for the sustainable management of Antarctica and its resources; Political, legal and institutional actions – relating to the governance framework to ensure the effective implementation of the Antarctic Treaty; Exploration of biodiversity – regulating the exploration of biological resources and ensuring their sustainable use; Inspections and Information Exchange – increasing transparency and cooperation through regular inspections and the exchange of scientific and logistical data; Research cooperation and capacity building – promoting international scientific cooperation and building research capacity among member countries; Addressing climate change – developing strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change in Antarctica; Development of a Tourism Framework – establishing comprehensive regulations to govern the management of growing tourism activities; Promoting awareness – educating and raising awareness about the importance of protecting Antarctica.

The meeting will also feature lectures by the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), which will present the latest scientific discoveries and research initiatives.

Key items on the CEP agenda

Agenda 26. CEP focuses on environmental and impact assessment – ​​assessing the current state of the Antarctic environment and the impacts of various activities; Response to climate change – formulating a response to environmental changes caused by climate change; Area Protection and Management Plans – development and implementation of protection plans for individual areas, including marine spatial protection; Protecting biodiversity – ensuring the protection of Antarctic flora and fauna.

India’s role and contribution

India is a Consultative Party to the Antarctic Treaty since 1983, which gave it significant powers to oversee scientific research and environmental protection in Antarctica. This status allows India to propose and vote on decisions during the ATCM and participate in administration, research, environmental protection and logistics cooperation. India also has the ability to establish research stations, conduct scientific programs, enforce environmental regulations and access shared scientific data with other Antarctic Treaty members.

Emphasized by Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences India’s leadership and commitment to protecting the ecological integrity of Antarctica. He stressed the need for comprehensive tourism regulations to ensure sustainable exploration, given the growing number of people visiting the continent. In 2022 India passed its own Antarctica legislation aimed at implementing the necessary measures to enforce the Antarctic Treaty (ATS). The legislation aims to protect the Antarctic environment and its dependent ecosystems, regulate various activities in the region and address related issues.

Tourism framework and environmental considerations

For the first time, a specialized working group has been established to develop a tourism framework for Antarctica. This initiative concerns the rapid development of tourism activities and the associated environmental threats. Shailesh Nayak, director of the National Institute of Advanced Studies, highlighted the need for regulatory measures to manage high-risk adventure tourism and ensure accountability protocols. This framework aims to mitigate the impact of increasing tourist numbers through enforceable rules and regulations.

Claire Christian of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) stressed the urgent need to adopt legislation to protect Antarctica’s biodiversity. The decision to create this working group was dictated by a proposal from several countries presented at the 45th ATCM conference in April 2023, which advocated comprehensive regulation of tourism and non-governmental activities.

Study in 2024 revealed a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to Antarctica, from 8,000 in 1993–1994 to 105,000 in 2022–2023, arriving mainly by ship. Concerns include discharge of microplastics, gray water, soot emissions from cruise ships, and the introduction of invasive species by tourists. In the 2022-23 season This was announced by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO). 32,730 cruise-only visitors, 71,346 landing guests and 821 inland visitors, highlighting the need for stringent regulations.

India’s science initiatives

India is expected to announce its plan development of the new Maitri-2 research station in Antarctica during the 46th ATCM. Dr M. Ravichandran revealed that the aging Maitri station, built 35 years ago, will be reconstructed. The new Maitri-2 facility will replace the current Maitri station, transforming it into a summer camp and designated monument. This development reflects India’s commitment to enhancing scientific research capabilities in Antarctica, ensuring that its facilities meet modern standards.

It may be noted that India currently operates two research stations in Antarctica: Maitri and Bharti. The first station, Dakshin Gangotri, was built in 1983 but had to be abandoned due to sinking into snow. Bharti, built 12 years ago, is a state-of-the-art facility.

The 46th ATCM and 26th CEP meetings highlight India’s growing role as a responsible global stakeholder in the protection of Antarctica. Through open dialogue, cooperation and consensus building, India aims to respect the principles of the Antarctic Treaty and contribute to the sustainable management of one of the last pristine wilderness areas on Earth.

Antarctica, the fifth largest continent, occupies much of the Antarctic region. This area of ​​ice, located in the remote southern hemisphere, is defined by the Antarctic Convergence – the shifting boundary where the cold waters of Antarctica meet the warmer waters of the world’s oceans.

Despite difficult conditions and the lack of indigenous people, Hosts from Antarctica human settlements where scientists and their support teams conduct research throughout the year. Known as one of the world’s best “natural laboratories”, it attracts over 30,000 tourists every year who come to experience its unique features. Its importance for scientific research is enormous, especially due to its critical impact on global climate and ocean systems.

Although Antarctica is fragile and highly sensitive, it is believed to have significant deposits of oil and essential minerals, which attracts the geopolitical interest of major world powers. Addressing key issues such as tourism regulation, environmental protection and scientific cooperation, the ATCM and CEP meetings – scheduled for May 30 – set the stage for continued international cooperation to protect Antarctica for future generations.

The author, a senior member of the ICSSR, is an academic advisor International Center for Polar Studies (ICPS) and Director, Inter-University Center for Social Science Research and Development (IUCSSRE), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India. Previously, he was a professor of international relations and dean of social sciences at MGU.

(Header image: 46th ATCM meeting. Source: NCPOR)

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.