
Nevada AG Ford Joins Antitrust Lawsuit Against Live Nation

CARSON CITY, Nev. (KOLO) – Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is joining the antitrust lawsuit against Live Nation.

Ford joins the Justice Department and a bipartisan coalition of 30 attorneys general in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleged that Live Nation, the owner of Ticketmaster, illegally monopolized the live entertainment industry and raised prices for live performances in Nevada and across the country.

“Live Nation’s business practices have directly harmed consumers and the entertainment industry by contributing to skyrocketing prices for live entertainment,” Ford said. “Nevada, which depends on the tourism and live entertainment sectors, is deeply impacted by rising prices in this area. By joining this lawsuit, we will fight to make our world-class experiences more accessible to Nevadans and tourists alike.”

The lawsuit was filed in the Southern District of New York and asks the court to award financial damages to plaintiffs and fans who they believe were overcharged by Live Nation. It also seeks to prohibit Live Nation from engaging in anti-competitive practices and order Live Nation to divest itself from Ticketmaster.

The plaintiffs allege that Live Nation increased its fees and failed to provide information on the final cost of the live event at the point of sale. They also claim that Live Nation venues threatened to lose access to Live Nation-controlled concert tours if the venues contracted with another ticketing service and used their network of venues to persuade artists to choose Live Nation as their promoter.