
Solar will save Groton Public Schools in Connecticut $40,000 in energy costs

Green bank at Groton High School in Connecticut
Groton Middle School is one of two buildings in the Groton Public School district in Connecticut where a photovoltaic system has been installed.

The Groton, Connecticut Board of Education expects to save $40,000 a year in energy costs after installing photovoltaic (PV) systems at two of the city’s schools. The system at Groton Middle School consists of 560 230 kW panels, and Mystic River Magnet School has 256 100 kW panels.

Connecticut Green Bank provided Groton Public Schools with guidance through the Municipal Solar Assistance Program (MAP), which simplified the process of going solar to allow the district to access savings benefits with fewer challenges. The developer Solar Verogy was responsible for installing the systems.

“During the planning and construction of the Groton 2020 initiative, which built our three new schools, the community expressed interest in green energy options,” said Groton Public Schools Superintendent Susan Austin. “We partnered with Connecticut Green Bank and received financing to install solar panels on two of our new schools at no cost to the community, which will provide significant savings.”

The systems at Groton Middle School and Mystic River Magnet School are estimated to save the district more than $800,000 over the life of the power purchase agreements (PPAs).

“We will continue to explore future opportunities in renewable and green energy. As part of next year’s planned roofing project at Charles Barnum, the BOE is interested in using solar energy, Austin said.

Groton is the latest in a series of successful municipal installations completed using Solar MAP Green Bank. Under this program, Zielony Bank offers technical support to municipalities seeking assistance in developing photovoltaic projects on municipal buildings, such as town halls, emergency services buildings, schools and others.

“Groton High Schools and Mystic River Magnet Schools were designed and built with the existing infrastructure necessary to support the future solar installation plan,” said Rick Norris, project manager for Groton Public Schools. “By working with Green Bank for the past four years through the city’s solar assistance program and their partners, CSW Energy and Verogy, the district was able to implement this plan. Groton Public Schools is currently working with Green Bank on solar installations at two other schools and looks forward to completing these projects.

The Green Bank also provides financing for solar systems through a PPA, which allows the municipality to access solar energy with no upfront installation costs, no new debt, and no operational and maintenance costs.

“These plaques not only reflect Groton’s commitment to sustainability, but also provide Groton students with a real-world example of environmental stewardship,” said Will Herchel, CEO of Verogy. “By harnessing solar energy, Groton leaders are paving the way to a greener tomorrow by providing their community with clean, cost-effective renewable energy solutions.”

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