
AG Nessel Joins Federal Antitrust Lawsuit Against Live Nation, TicketMaster

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel joins the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and a bipartisan coalition of 29 states and the District of Columbia in refiling the Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. antitrust lawsuit. and Ticketmaster LLC, which is owned by Live Nation. The lawsuit alleged that Live Nation has illegally monopolized the live entertainment industry, making it extremely difficult for other live music promoters to compete through anti-competitive practices, limiting consumer choice and causing ticket prices to skyrocket for fans.

In a press release, Nessel said that “Michigan concert-goers deserve the chance to experience the thrill of seeing their favorite artist live, at a venue close to home, without having to spend any money.”

The Department of Justice and the states claim in the lawsuit that:

  • Live Nation maintains its anti-competitive monopoly in ticketing markets by locking venues into restrictive, long-term and exclusive contracts and threatening that venues will lose access to Live Nation-controlled tours and artists if they sign with a competing ticket seller.
  • Live Nation uses its extensive network of amphitheaters to force artists to choose Live Nation as a promoter over its competitors, thereby maintaining a monopoly on promotions.
  • Live Nation’s behavior has harmed fans through higher fees, a lack of transparency, fewer consumer choices and stifling innovation.

The lawsuit asked the court to restore competition in the live entertainment industry by prohibiting Live Nation from engaging in such practices and also ordering the company to divest Ticketmaster.

A copy of the complaint is available below.