
Innerex launches a storage station in San Andrés, Chile

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc., a leader in the renewable energy sector, has completed commissioning of its 35 MW/175 MWh energy storage facility in San Andrés. Located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, this project, the second largest in the company’s storage portfolio, was completed on budget.

Michel Letellier, CEO of Innergex, said: “We are very proud of our growing energy storage portfolio in Chile as it will make a significant contribution to meeting the growing demand for 24/7 renewable energy generation.”

Optimization of production and revenues

The San Andrés storage station stores excess solar energy produced during the day for redistribution during periods of high demand, particularly in the evenings and mornings. This strategy avoids congestion during the day, supports the power grid during periods of peak demand and optimizes return on investment. Innergex expects the facility to generate annual revenues of $6 million to $8 million, with operating and administrative costs estimated at $0.4 million in the first year of operation.

Economic and ecological impact

The San Andrés project exploits the Atacama region’s unique solar energy potential to maximize energy efficiency. By storing and redistributing solar energy, Innergex helps stabilize the Chilean energy grid while increasing the profitability of its projects. This initiative is part of Innergex’s global strategy to develop clean and sustainable energy solutions that meet the growing needs of the global energy market.

Future perspectives

The success of the San Andrés station illustrates the importance of energy storage for the future of renewable energy. Innerex is actively exploring new opportunities to develop integrated renewable energy storage and production projects in its core markets. The company is confident that these innovative technologies will play a key role in the global energy transition.
The launch of the San Andrés energy storage station marks an important milestone for Innergex in the development of sustainable energy solutions. By optimizing solar energy production and efficiently managing energy storage, Innergex strengthens its leading position in the renewable energy sector and makes a significant contribution to Chile’s energy transition.