
This National Small Business Month, let’s remember online sellers

Running a small business has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It’s stressful at times and comes with a lot of responsibility, but the reward is worth it when I know that with my success I am supporting not only myself and my family, but also my community. Communities across Utah depend on small businesses to ensure the well-being of communities, and with the advent of online marketplaces, being an entrepreneur has never been easier. As it is National Small Business Month, we should take some time to recognize all of the entrepreneurs in our country who are tirelessly innovating and making a positive impact in their communities.

Our nation’s historic success as an economic powerhouse can be largely attributed to the success of our small businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit that has allowed them to thrive. In just 247 years, our nation has transformed from 13 colonies into the largest and most powerful economy in the world. According to the Small Business Administration, 99.9% of all U.S. businesses are classified as small businesses, with over 33 million small businesses operating in the United States in 2023. Moreover, these small businesses employ a staggering 61.7 million Americans, which is approximately 46% of all private sector workers. Small businesses are key to the health and vitality of our nation’s economy.

It is especially important now, more than ever, to understand how the power of e-commerce and online marketplaces contributes to creating a healthy environment. Online shopping has fundamentally changed the way millions of Americans engage in commerce, and the same is true for businesses that have adapted to the digital frontier. Marketplaces have provided aspiring business owners with an easy and quick way to get started and reach customers across the country (and in some cases, even the world) as quickly as possible.

Nowadays, online marketplaces have a built-in infrastructure that makes the setup process simple and just a few clicks away. Moreover, online marketplaces also make it easier for small businesses to organize shipping and logistics, allowing small business owners to focus on what they do best. It certainly helped me start my business.

Anyone with a dream of a business should be able to start one, and with the growth of many online marketplaces, dreams are becoming a reality for more and more Americans. Our nation was built on small business, and I’m proud to be a part of that legacy. National Small Business Month is for dreamers – those of us who have decided to build something for ourselves and our families. This year, let us remember that everyone has made sacrifices – both in stores and online – to continue making this the best country in which to do business.

Greg Geddes is from Logan, Utah and is the founder and owner of the company BlacklineUS. He is also a member Coalition of Creators and Merchantsa small business group representing the voices of small businesses across the country.