
The Third Annual Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference has concluded | News

Balanced Energy was Game name here at the Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference. People from everywhere representatives of the energy industry had the opportunity to present their products and show how they can help Alaska. Alaska Solar delivers Both commercial and residential solar power for people from Homer to Fairbanks.

Chief development officer Chase Christie said: “It’s growing at quite a tremendous pace because the demand for cheaper energy prevails.”

Sunstone Electric is a comprehensive energy company, but they mainly focus on providing solar energy to enable people to be self-sufficient.

“We’re figuring out a way to educate everyone on how to do it are built and how they support them will go a long way to helping them become even more independent in their communities,” said Sunstone Electric owner Kolt Garvey.

Denali-EV looks change the game here in Alaska with electric vehicle charging stations.

Denali-EV owner Heather Gottshall further said: “For owners of electric vehicles, one of the biggest challenges is just to be able to make sure that any trip would be possible for them to travel to Anchorage, to Seward or Seward, to Anchorage or to Fairbanks.

One thing that caught my attention was this eVinci microreactor. Mainly AND a nuclear battery that will help communities get power around the clock for up to eight years or more without recharging.

Michael Valore, senior director at Westinghouse shared how quickly Alaska would be able to implement this technology: “Yes, I see that Alaska is an early adopter of these technologies, rather than just waiting until the mid-2030s to introduce them. So she could Really only in five years.”

The conference featured many more climate technologies and showcased Alaska’s potential for sustainable renewable energy sources energy.

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