
Louisiana Public Utilities Commission Approves Historic Expansion of Entergy Solar Power Plants

The Louisiana Public Utilities Commission has approved Entergy Louisiana’s ambitious plan to add up to three gigawatts of economic solar power to its generation portfolio, marking the largest expansion of renewable energy in the state’s history.


“This approval underscores our commitment to meeting operational and sustainability needs, driving economic development and protecting the environment,” said Phillip May, president and CEO of Entergy Louisiana. “This is a significant victory for the future of our state. I want to thank everyone who helped make this proposal possible, including our local officials and regulators.


The Commission’s approval helps streamline the procurement and approval process, paving the way for the construction of multiple solar facilities across Louisiana. This initiative is expected to stimulate local communities by creating jobs and increasing tax revenues. Additionally, the influx of clean energy is expected to attract new industries and jobs, which is consistent with Entergy Corporation’s broader goals to increase renewable energy resources by 2031 and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050


This move represents a significant milestone in Entergy Louisiana’s ongoing efforts to modernize its energy portfolio with the goal of providing customers with cleaner, more efficient and diversified energy solutions.

The use of renewable energy brings both economic and environmental benefits. Solar energy in particular is known for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and creating local employment opportunities.

Currently, approximately 25% of Entergy Louisiana’s generation portfolio is made up of zero-emission resources, including nuclear and renewable technologies. The company’s long-term vision includes continued investment in clean energy infrastructure, especially utility-scale solar projects that are becoming more economical. Entergy Louisiana also plans to enhance energy efficiency programs and work with local stakeholders to promote sustainability and resiliency.

Currently, Entergy Louisiana boasts approximately 230 megawatts of renewable resources. This includes Solar Capital Region is the first utility-scale solar project approved by the Louisiana Public Utilities Commission, which began operations in October 2020. Earlier this year, the Commission approved an additional solar application covering approximately 225 MW of renewable energy projectsexpanding Entergy Louisiana’s total solar portfolio to more than 3,800 MW in various stages of development and approval.

The new projects are also expected to strengthen the state’s energy infrastructure, providing reliable power to meet the growing demands of Louisiana’s industries and businesses.