
Spotify is phasing out Car Thing by intentionally locking devices and telling users to throw them away

Spotify Car Thing

Spotify’s foray into hardware with Car Thing was a complete failure. Production of the device ended just a few months after its launch, and it will be fully phased out before the end of the year.

But Car Thing’s discontinuation means more than just the end of support and updates – much more. Spotify says the devices will stop working and advises users to reset and recycle them.

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The streaming music giant began sending emails to Car Thing owners to warn them that the device would not only be recalled but would also stop working. The date to add to your calendar is December 9. There are currently no plans for a follow-up or alternative device.

In its cease and desist support document, Spotify states:

We have decided to discontinue Car Thing. This means that Car Thing will no longer work. This decision was not made lightly and we want to assure you that our commitment to providing a great listening experience remains unchanged.

The decision is said to have been made “as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our product offering.”

The announcement will likely anger Car Thing fans, who will be left with useless hardware with no compensation offered by Spotify. Seemingly wiping its hands of the doomed device, the company offers the following advice:

We recommend that you reset your Car Thing to factory settings and dispose of it safely in accordance with your local e-waste guidelines. Contact your state or local waste disposal department to determine how to dispose of or recycle Car Thing in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

More information can be found here.