
Google signs PPA for 60 MW of solar power in Japan

Google’s PPA with Itochu Corporation partner Clean Energy Connect covers the construction of a network of approximately 800 small solar power plants across multiple grid regions in Japan. This innovative, distributed approach is a creative solution to the problem of limited land availability for large solar projects in the country. It will generate 40 MW of clean energy to support Google’s operations in Japan.

The PPA with Shizen Energy, a leading renewable energy company in Japan, focuses on the development of a 20 MW utility-scale solar project located on the same power grid as our recently opened data center in Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture.

“These projects are expected to be fully operational within four years and underscore our commitment to invest nearly $690 million in sustainable infrastructure in Japan,” Google said in a blog post.

“The signing of these PPAs is just the beginning of our decarbonization journey in Japan. We intend to continue our efforts in the region, working with local partners and exploring even more innovative solutions to accelerate the country’s transition to clean energy.”