
EU Commissioner Breton urges US to introduce similar legislation on sweeping technology: Tech: Tech Times

Users in the European Union can now download and run third-party iPhone apps from stores not controlled by Apple.

This is now causing noticeable cracks in Apple’s walled garden ecosystem, which has remained untouched and unchallenged since its launch 15 years ago.

Additionally, new EU regulations have forced Google to provide users with new options for setting up new devices instead of the default Google Chrome browser and search engine.

These are just some of the effects of sweeping EU technology regulations such as the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which the governing body has implemented, loosening the influence of tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Meta and Apple on the world’s most popular tech products.

(Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
Commissioner Thierry Breton called on the United States to implement new technology regulations to harmonize the digital market between the two countries.

EU industry chief calls on US to implement technical regulations

According to Reuters, EU industry chief Commissioner Thierry Breton is calling on the United States to introduce new technology rules to harmonize the digital market between the US and Europe.

In the United States, government officials cling to decades-old antitrust laws that assume these large companies do not inherently harm their consumer base, believing in the ability of market forces to repair themselves.

Big Tech like Meta, Google and Apple have long blocked attempts to improve antitrust laws by lobbying top government positions.

In March, Apple asked a judge to dismiss the latest antitrust lawsuit filed against the company.

Despite government investigations like the one conducted in 2020, there has been slow progress on antitrust laws in the U.S., which have provided evidence of widespread anticompetitive practices by large companies.

Commissioner Breton believes that similar digital regulations will have a positive impact in the US. “It would be fantastic to have a global digital marketplace. Not only the EU, not only the US, but the EU and the US,” Breton said.

Read also: EU expands partnership with Japan on digital identity, semiconductors and artificial intelligence

Technical regulations under the Biden administration

(Photo: ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images)
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a joint news conference with Kenyan President William Ruto in the East Room of the White House in Washington, May 23, 2024.

The Biden administration has implemented several technology regulations. In 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order establishing an industry-wide policy to investigate mergers proposed by Big Tech companies.

With AI technology rapidly evolving, President Biden met with leading AI developers last year and signed several executive orders ensuring security testing is conducted.

Meanwhile, the EU has adopted a comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Law that prohibits artificial intelligence technologies that pose unacceptable risks to national security. “It is extremely important that we come together now,” Breton said.

“We share the same values ​​in the US and Europe and that would be fantastic,” the commissioner added.

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