
Re-appointment of the Boundary Commission announced by the Secretary of State


The role of the Northern Ireland Boundary Commission is to review the number, names, designations and boundaries of parliamentary constituencies in Northern Ireland and to submit reports containing recommendations to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is responsible for nominations to the Northern Ireland Boundary Commission. Appointments are made in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986.

Biography of the appointee

Vilma Patterson MBE was previously a director and shareholder of John G Duff (Annadale) Ltd and a former member of the Training Committee of the Construction Industry Training Council for Northern Ireland. She was the founder of the Women in Business Network and a former board member of the Women on the Move Network, which works to support and encourage women’s entrepreneurship.

Ms Patterson has previously held a number of positions including Chair of the Northern Ireland Probation Commission, non-executive member of the Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman Audit Committee and Northern Ireland Civil Service Commissioner. Vilma was also a member and Chair of the Independent Monitoring Board of HMP Maghaberry from 1996 to 2008, Chair of the Association of Members of Independent Monitoring Boards in Northern Ireland and a member of the Northern Ireland Parades Commission from 2006 to 2010. From 2011 to 2013, she was a member of the Remuneration Audit Committee of the Prison Service, and in 2015-2020, a member of the Remuneration Audit Committee of the Armed Forces. He is currently a member of the Northern Ireland Parole Board.

Terms of the Meeting

  • This position is part-time for a five-year period ending June 30, 2029.
  • This position pays a daily wage of £505.50 per day.
  • The position is not subject to retirement.

Political activities

All appointments are made on merit and taking into account statutory requirements. Political activities play no role in the nomination process. However, under Nolan’s original recommendations, there is a requirement that the political activities of nominees in certain categories be made public.

Vilma Patterson has stated that she has not been politically active for the past five years.


The appointment is regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA).

Statutory requirements

Appointments are made by the Secretary of State in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986.