
The science of solar panel financing and its impact on home sales

With the shift to greener energy sources, solar panels are often appearing on roofs across the United States. Government policies, such as those recently introduced by President Joe Biden, encourage the installation of such installations on federal buildings such as the Pentagon. This is part of a broader plan to support renewable energy and be environmentally friendly. However, the method of financing these solar panels has a major impact on homeowners, especially when they decide to sell their homes.

Investing in solar energy

The development of solar technology is supported by the Biden administration’s efforts, as evidenced by the allocation of $7 billion in federal grants to home solar projects aimed at helping low- and moderate-income communities. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the federal government a strong player in promoting sustainable habits.

Problems with financing solar panels

Despite the advantages, the way solar panels are financed can create problems for homeowners looking to sell them. Payment methods for solar panels include leasing, loans or outright purchase, each of which comes with different benefits,

  • Leased panels: These can make a sale more complicated because the lease must be transferred to the buyer, who must accept the transfer.
  • Panels financed through loans: Homes with solar panel loans may experience problems getting approved for a mortgage loan due to the additional debt caused by these loans.
  • Purchased panels: Most often, they increase the value of the home and can be easily resolved when the property is sold because they do not involve any financial obligations for buyers.

Obstacles and solutions to selling real estate

Challenges revealed by Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis and veteran Realtor Kim Coburn highlight the problems that exist. Coburn has seen times when potential buyers couldn’t get approved for a mortgage because solar panel loans exceeded the property’s appraised value. This put sellers in a difficult position because they couldn’t close the sale without paying off expensive solar panel loans.

Grading issues make things even more difficult. Many home appraisers are not trained to accurately assess the added value of solar panels, often resulting in an appraisal that does not accurately reflect the true value of a solar installation. This can create a large discrepancy between sales prices and appraised value, making the sale more complex.

  • Financial impact: Homeowners may find themselves under financial pressure when trying to sell homes with leased or financed solar panels.
  • Market readiness: Current real estate market structures often struggle with different methods of financing solar panels.

Expert advice

If you’re considering installing solar panels, experts suggest purchasing them outright or taking out a loan that can be easily repaid. While lease agreements may seem attractive due to the lack of upfront costs, they may pose problems with future sales. You should ask for accurate disclosure so that homeowners can fully understand it. Possible long-term effects on the value and sales potential of your home.


Further development of solar energy is certain and beneficial for environmental and economic reasons. However, as the sector evolves, clearer guidance and better knowledge of payment options will be crucial. For homeowners, awareness of these facts can lead to an easy sale or significant financial stress. Real estate professionals and policymakers alike need to help adjust the market to ensure that the growing number of home solar systems does not disadvantage owners.


Building solar technology into homes offers many benefits, such as environmental sustainability and potential energy savings. However, financing these installations can pose a significant challenge when selling your home. Homeowners should carefully consider how they will finance their solar panels. Buying solar panels directly or through easy loans may be the best and most sound financial approach. As the market changes, real estate professionals, appraisers and policy makers must create better strategies to manage these transactions. This will ensure that the increase in solar energy consumption will not disrupt real estate transactions and will be convenient for homeowners.