
Q&A: The Department of State’s Tech for Life initiative keeps workers on their devices for longer

The Department of State, one of the most mobile civilian employees in the federal government, re-releases devices whenever an employee is transferred to a new position. The department’s 13,000 Foreign Service officers serve in 270 countries – including in locations the department describes as “difficult” – and change positions every two or three years. To ensure its employees have access to the Internet, State recently launched the Tech for Life program, thanks to which employees no longer have to drop off old devices and pick up new ones at another location. State Department CIO Kelly Fletcher discussed the program with FedTechformer editor-in-chief, Elizabeth Neus.

FEDTECH: Describe the project and why it is necessary.

FLETCHER: Tech for Life is a Department of State initiative consistent with Secretary Antony Blinken’s modernization agenda. It focuses on strengthening the delivery of mobile IT services to better meet the needs of our customers. Through these efforts, the department allows employees to retain their government-issued electronic devices when moving between positions or assignments. Previously, devices were associated with a position, not an employee. At each new station, workers would be given new phones and laptops, turning them in before moving on to the next task, only to repeat the process at that station. This left employees disconnected from the department as they moved between jobs.

Tech for Life associates devices with the employee, not the job title, and they remain with the employee throughout the device’s three-year lifecycle.

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FEDTECH: How was the program implemented?

FLETCHER: We are implementing Tech for Life in stages. In 2023, we made over 1,000 devices available as part of a quasi-pilot program.

Based on employee feedback and the success of the program, we expanded the initiative. As of December 2023, most country offices in this division have had the opportunity to leverage this new opportunity for new hires as part of their onboarding process.

New employees participating in the program receive a network account and laptop prior to their start date, so they are prepared to start working on their first day in the department. They will carry the device or devices with them as they move between jobs.

During the upcoming summer transfer season, we will begin issuing Tech for Life devices to overseas personnel moving through the Washington, D.C. area to their next duty station. Our goal is to have all personnel enrolled in the Tech for Life program by the end of fiscal year 2025, although there will be limitations based on mission-specific requirements.

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FEDTECH: How does the rollout of devices that are not included in Tech for Life pilot programs work?

FLETCHER: Device implementation is the same regardless of whether the employee participates in the program; however, Tech for Life will streamline this process. All employees will continue to receive their devices as part of our IT service management process. What they do with these devices when it’s time to move on is at the heart of the Tech for Life initiative: a customer-centric approach that puts the needs of our people first.

FEDTECH: How will the program benefit State Department employees?

FLETCHER: Tech For Life should make life easier and reduce administrative friction for employees moving abroad or to a new domestic assignment.

For most department employees, technology should be a secondary consideration, something that is reliable and allows them to do their job. Diplomats change positions approximately every two years; issuing devices that they will carry with them for the life of the device reduces the burden on employees when moving between stations and keeps them connected during the transfer.

The Tech for Life program provides flexibility and supports the modern mobile workforce by enabling remote and hybrid work scenarios, making it easier to recruit and retain employees.

FEDTECH: How does this benefit the department from an IT perspective?

FLETCHER: Tech for Life ensures continuity; employees keep the devices they are already familiar with. This minimizes technology-related learning curves, enables immediate operational proficiency with new tasks, and reduces downtime and overhead costs associated with delivering new equipment.


Number of devices included in the original Tech for Life pilot

Source:, “MeriTalk Q&A: Department of State CIO Dr. Kelly Fletcher on Tech for Life Pilot Programs,” August 9, 2023

FEDTECH: Does this help government employees overcome any problems with their local IT infrastructure?

FLETCHER: The Department of State operates in extremely diverse environments, some of which are more challenging than others. The department only offers Tech for Life when we have the resources to do so; therefore not all posts qualify.

The experience of using Tech for Life devices depends on the local IT infrastructure, but so far feedback on the ease of use, secure connectivity and mobility that Tech for Life offers has been generally positive.

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FEDTECH: How does this affect cybersecurity?

FLETCHER: The Department of State is one of the most attacked organizations in the world. We have a robust cybersecurity program using encryption, secure VPN connections, multi-factor authentication and other methods to limit access to the network by unauthorized users. We also provide continuous training and have developed vigilant staff for whom the most important thing is protecting the department’s assets.