
The employment rate in Turkiye increased by 3.4% y/y, 0.9% q/q. in Q1 2024: Turkstat

The employment rate in Turkiye, covering the industry, construction and commercial services sectors, increased by 3.4 percent in the first quarter (Q1). year on year (y/y) and by 0.9 percent quarter to quarter (quarter). The index for the industrial sector increased by 0.1%. y/y decreased by 0.1%. quarterly.

The rate of total hours worked increased by 1.5%. y/y decreased by 1.2%. quarter to quarter in the first quarter of 2024; the index for the industrial sector decreased by 1.1 percent. y/y 2.3 percent q/q

The employment rate in Turkiye, covering the industrial, construction and commercial services sectors, increased by 3.4% in the first quarter of 2024. y/y 0.9 percent quarter to quarter (quarter). The index for the industrial sector increased by 0.1%. y/y decreased by 0.1%. 0.1% q/q The total hours worked index increased by 1.5% y/y and decreased by 1.2% q/q.

The overall gross wage rate increased by 116.5% in the quarter. y/y 29.9 percent q/q; According to Turkstat’s announcement, the index for the industrial sector increased by 115.9%. y/y 28.7 percent quarter to quarter.

The overall hourly labor cost index increased by 98.3% in the first quarter of 2024. y/y 32.5 percent quarterly; the index for the industrial sector increased by 94.2 percent. y/y 33 percent q/q

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