
‘Incredible’ – Labor’s Willie Jackson furious over Prebble’s role at Waitangi Tribunal

‘Incredible’ – Labor’s Willie Jackson furious over Prebble’s role at Waitangi Tribunal

Willie Jackson

Photograph: RNZ/Samuel Rillstone

Former Labor Party minister and former ACT leader Richard Prebble is furious One of two new members appointed to the Waitangi Tribunal.

Maori Development Minister Tama Potaka said since leaving Parliament Prebble had provided free advice to various Maori trusts, hapū and iwi on a range of issues.

Prebble declined invitation to be interviewed Morning Report. But Labour’s Māori Development spokesman, Willie Jackson, was harsh on the appointment.

Jackson described it as “incredible” and a “kick in the gut” for Māori.

“I think we were all in shock (Thursday) … but what do we do next — do we make Don Brash the new chief judge of the court?” Jackson said. he said.

“It’s incredible what this government will do.”

While Prebble had skills and experience as a lawyer working in the Maori sector, the most important factor was his alignment with the ACT Party and its policies. in particular the Draft Treaty PrinciplesJackson said.

Board members Derek Fox and Hana O’Regan, who had a lot of experience with Māori, stepped down, with Prebble chosen to replace them.

Jenny Shipley believed that former leading National politicians such as Chris Finlayson or Doug Graham would be better choices from the right of the political spectrum.

“It’s incredibly disappointing – it’s not personal with ‘Prebs’, we all know him. I worked with him on the Maori Affairs select committee but he represents a party and David Seymour.”

Jackson was adamant that Prebble supported ACT’s principles.

“I think it’s a real shock to Māori but it’s the government’s virtue signaling to ACT supporters. Now there are questions about the prime minister again.”

He also said he was disappointed that Potaka allowed Seymour and other coalition members to “get ahead of him.”

Following Jackson’s comments, ACT leader David Seymour was asked for comment.

On Thursday, Seymour said Prebble is exactly the kind of person who should be on the court.

“Richard is also an experienced lawyer, MP and business executive with extensive knowledge of the Maori language.

“ACT looks forward to their input in ensuring that the Treaty of Waitangi is interpreted and implemented in a way that reflects what it actually says, including promising the same rights and duties for all New Zealanders,” Seymour said. he said.

Prebble will be joined in court by Ken Williamson; Kevin Prime was reappointed for a second term.

Maori Development Minister Tama Potaka said on Thursday the new appointments, including Prebble, would support work between the Crown and Maori.

“Members of the Waitangi Tribunal bring with them a range of knowledge and skills and are appointed because of their broad expertise in the matters likely to come before the Tribunal,” Potaka said. he said.

“Ensuring we have a range of talented appointments across courts and boards is key to delivering better public services.”