
Man caught with hundreds of indecent photos of children

The man admitted to having over 700 indecent images of children on his devices.

Rory Lord, 40, pleaded guilty to three charges with a straight face in court.

Southampton Magistrates’ Court heard that on April 8, 2022, police were notified that indecent images had been sent.

Identifying Lord as a suspect, officers went to his address and searched his devices.

Prosecutor Anthony McCafferty said: “A search was carried out and his devices were seized and searched.

“A total of 746 photos were found on his devices. 133 of them were in category A – the most serious – 273 in category B and 340 in category C.

“All children in the photos were under 16 years of age.”

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He added: “A bank card with someone else’s name was also found at the facility.

“The accused admitted that he found the card and intended to keep it. It is not associated with indecent images.”

Lord, of Somers Way, Eastleigh, pleaded guilty to three counts of possessing an indecent photograph/pseudo photograph of a child and theft.

Judges sent the case to Southampton Crown Court, where Lord will be sentenced on June 17.

“Until then, you must keep your nose clean,” he told Panu.