
Chamisa forms government – ​​ZimEye

Political reporter. The second, a supporter of Nelson Chamisa, the opposition CCC formed a 16-member shadow cabinet.

The announcement was made by the party’s chief administrator, Jameson Timba, who took over the leadership of CCC after Chamisa abruptly left the party in late January this year, maintaining that ZANU PF had taken over the opposition outfit.

Yesterday, during a press conference in Harare, Timba said that the CCC shadow cabinet was a product of the National Citizens’ Assembly. He said:

The National Citizens’ Assembly has found it prudent that the key pillars and agendas of our votes in Parliament are an emphasis on electoral and political reforms in the country, so that after solving the fundamental problem facing this country, the symptomatic social and economic problems must be addressed.

The country is facing a governance crisis following a series of disputed elections. This has led to a crisis of trust, with Zimbabweans distrusting those who have taken up positions in government.

He said that by appointing a more streamlined, 16-member shadow cabinet, the CCC had demonstrated its commitment to maintaining a lean government once in power, thereby avoiding wasting national resources on a bloated cabinet. Timba said:

CCC’s core belief is that we must have a small government so that resources are directed to where they are needed, as you know, the current ZANU PF consists of 25 ministries and we believe that the government is too big. Our alternative government is a reflection of our position towards the current government.

Some of the CCC Members of Parliament appointed to the shadow cabinet are Shakespear Hamauswa (Defense and Liberation Veterans Affairs), Joanah Mamombe (Environment, Climate, Tourism, Hospitality and Wildlife Governance) and Daniel Molokele (Health Governance and Child Care).

The shadow cabinet is a key feature of the Westminster system of government and is made up of a group of senior opposition spokesmen.

Typically, each member of the shadow cabinet reflects or “shadows” the positions of individual members of the government’s cabinet.

Although shadow ministers have no executive power, they monitor government policies and actions, propose alternative policies and act as a counterweight to the ruling party.