
Take a closer look: Huawei’s Net5.5G intelligent cloud network aims for digital productivity

With the emergence of new technologies and the growing appetite of enterprises to create intelligent digital services, the demand for more bandwidth and better network connectivity is at an all-time high.

The future of digital productivity rests on emerging network capabilities, which Huawei has led the way.

Earlier this year at Mobile World Congress 2024Leon Wang, president of Huawei’s data product line, has introduced a new range of Net5.5G-oriented products and solutions to meet market demands.

Huawei executive speaks at MWC 2024

Leon Wang, president of Huawei’s data product line, speaks at MWC Barcelona


I am talking with CIO ASEAN on the sidelines of the event, Wang stressed the importance of improving network quality to “evolve towards the future.”

“Most customers care not only about the network in terms of connection, but also about the experience of using it,” Wang said. “Net5.5G covers not only the basics like speed, latency and throughput, but also the experience level.”

He went on to explain Huawei’s efforts to ensure customers feel “confident” to continue using key applications such as video conferencing in their daily work.

The four tailor-made solutions launched by Huawei this year to support operators include mobile backhaul, enterprise campus, converged transport and data center network.

A package of fresh solutions

First, to meet the traffic requirements of ultra-broadband applications, the access ring of Huawei’s mobile backhaul solution will be upgraded from 10GE to 100GE, and the base station routers will provide access capabilities of 25GE, 50GE, 100GE and 400GE.

Using its digital network map, Huawei highlights that the solution provides “visualization and optimization of application-level experiences, achieving zero congestion of VIP services and accelerating the monetization of user experiences.”

Additionally, when talking about its new 10Gbps campus solution, Huawei highlights improvements in wireless solutions, applications, and operation and maintenance (O&M) that aim to ensure smooth, stable, and sustainable network usage and management.

“In 2024, the campus network will officially enter the Wi-Fi 7 era,” Wang said. “Chip vendors have released more than 20 Wi-Fi 7 chips. IDC predicts there will be 233 million Wi-Fi 7 terminals in 2024, and primary access point (AP) shipments will rapidly transition from Wi-Fi 6/6E to Wi-Fi 7″.

Huawei believes that with its own digital network map, it will provide operators with high-density access, video quality guarantee and intelligent operation and maintenance.

Meanwhile, to improve transportation networks, Huawei deploys high-density 400GE technology covering the metro and core to support multiple 10Gbps connections. The seller believes that its solution will enable “network servitization, accelerate the monetization of network resources and increase revenues.”

Finally, as part of the Hyper-Converged DCN solution, Huawei highlights that in addition to IDC hardware storage services and private cloud services, the compute power leasing service can help operators achieve new growth.

In particular, Huawei uses its 800GE data center network (DCN) to provide “efficient computing power and plug-and-play technology” to reduce deployment times.

Looking ahead, Wang emphasizes that the company is focused on “solving customer problems and delivering greater business value.” “We will improve our Net5.5G solutions for various industries step by step,” he added.

Shirin Robert attended Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona as a guest of Huawei.