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End of support for Windows 10: stress-free and cost-free for Windows 11…

End of support for Windows 10: stress-free and cost-free for Windows 11…

In October 2025, I will allow you not to download security updates for Windows 10. So it is a good idea that allows you to download Windows 10 online. Ungepatchte Sicherheitslücken werden ann schnell zum Einfallstor von Viren et Trojanern.


The words c’t-Podcast c’t uplink gibt es …

Upgrading to Windows 11 has only one solution: So, Microsoft for the Windows 10 sequel offers official hardware offers under absurd conditions. Etliche Nutzer müssen Geld in den Neukauf or zumindest in Aufrüstung investieren. And of course, the legal right with Windows 10 is included in the genre of often free updates, Microsoft’s licensing policy is a single vision.

In this uplink madness that we have launched, as the man advocates, due to his own knowledge of Windows 11, and as man chooses best, Microsoft will be disqualified.

Zu Gast im Studio: Benjamin Kraft, Peter Siering and Christof Windeck
Host: Stefan Porteck
Production: Ralf Taschke

In the title of 22/2024 you will find tips and tricks when upgrading, a feature that allows Windows 11 to be free, as well as an upgrade and upgrade for everyone, which you will familiarize you.

Tip: We are on WhatsApp!

In our WhatsApp channel, Torsten and Jan aus der Chefredaktion das Geschehen in der IT-Welt, will ensure that the Wichtigste zusammen and werfen einen Blick auf das, our college is thus vorbereiten.

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