
It is known that there are situations in which military training regulations are violated.

a full-scale army
Full size photo. This has no direct relation to the content of the article. (Photo credit = Yonhap News)

Violations of military training regulations are known to occur in connection with the death of a military trainee two days after fainting during military training.

According to Yonhap News on January 27, an army official said, “There is an illegal situation,” and added, “The specific situation is limited because (military authorities) are investigating jointly with the civilian police.”

Military training means the physical and mental training that a commander instructs soldiers in accordance with the regulations and procedures for establishing military discipline. It is deployed when it is a Commander’s Point and is also called “Hold”.

According to the army, one of six trainees who were undergoing military training at the unit in Inje, Gangwon-do, collapsed at 5:20 p.m. on Jan. 23.

The fallen intern was rushed to a private hospital for treatment, but his condition worsened and he died on January 25 in the afternoon.

It is known that the deceased trainee underwent military training in order to be able to walk around the training camp as a “gubo” as a full-fledged army officer. According to military training regulations, only walking is allowed in full military status. Gubo doesn’t allow it.

When asked whether military training-level physical training also included full-length Gubo, an army official replied: “It is not included.”

The controversy will intensify if allegations that the trainee died as a result of regulatory violations and overworked military training are confirmed. The Military Center for Human Rights said: “According to the report, on December 22, six trainees were summoned to walk the parade ground in full military uniforms the following afternoon for night talks.”

He further added, “When a trainee’s complexion and health deteriorated while traveling around the training site, the trainees treated together reported it to the management who were on site, but they continued the training without taking any action with them.”

Regarding the Military Center for Human Rights’ announcement, an army official explained: “This is an area that needs to be confirmed through an investigation by the civilian police.”