
This paid gadget from Spotify will soon stop working and customers will not receive a refund

It will feel a bit silly to remind you now that in 2021 we said that the role of Spotify Car Thing was already played by a phone holder, because a separate screen was nice. You have mounted the screen on the air vent and this way you can operate Spotify. This will be useful, for example, for older cars without a screen. But the thing never caught on (it was never available in the Netherlands), so Spotify disabled the gadget.

Usually, stopping production of a gadget is not such a problem, but in this case it means that all screens will also stop working at the end of the year. It makes sense that you won’t be able to listen to music anymore if you stop paying for Spotify, since it’s a monthly subscription. But this thing was bought by people who paid one time. And now they have become worthless.

As if your PlayStation 4 suddenly stopped working

You also don’t see that your PlayStation 4 suddenly stopped working because Sony stopped production. Or that old Saabs can no longer be driven because the company no longer exists. You could say that for a company as big as Spotify, keeping devices in the air shouldn’t be that difficult. But all those who paid the equivalent of 83 euros no longer benefit from it.

After December this year, the screens will stop working and Spotify will not issue refunds, Jalopnik reports. Spotify reports: “We have decided to keep Car Thing. This means that Car Thing will no longer work. This decision was not made lightly and we want to ensure that our commitment to providing a great listening experience remains unchanged.”

The music provider tries to put a positive spin on the big middle finger by making it seem like the goodbye is emotionally difficult: “We appreciate and greatly appreciate the support and enthusiasm you have shown to Car Thing. It has been an amazing journey and we are grateful for all the kilometers traveled.”