
Property118 | The rental agency demands a policy that supports landlords

The rental agency has urged the next government not to penalize landlords and instead promote policies to boost investment in the private rental sector.

The Leaders Romans group has prepared a top 10 manifesto wish list including a list of fiscal reforms for the private rental sector.

Some of the reforms on the wish list include tax changes to stop owners leaving the sector.

Owners play a key role

Allison Thompson, national managing director of lettings at Leaders Romans Group, urged politicians to recognize the key role of landlords in the housing market.

She said: “Politicians – of all parties – seem unaware of the role the private rental sector plays in providing housing for people who may be homeless due to a lack of council/social housing – a deficit that is growing by the day.

“A change of focus is very much needed – from punishing “dishonest owners” to encouraging many honest and honest owners.”

Ms Thompson also urges tax reforms to stop property owners leaving the sector.

She said: “We have already seen some landlords leave the private sector due to much higher taxes.

“Tax issues need to be urgently addressed to offset the losses incurred as a result of additional regulation and interest rate increases. Rental properties are the only businesses in the UK that do not benefit from tax relief: the playing field needs to be leveled.”

Property owners in limbo when it comes to EPC

Roman Group leaders say property owners are currently in limbo when it comes to EPC assessments.

The Prime Minister rejected EPC targets that would have required landlords to ensure their rental properties have a minimum EPC rating of C.

The date discussed was 2025 for new leases and 2028 for all leases.

However, a new government could reinstate FTE requirements.

Ms Thompson says: “Landlords are currently in limbo when it comes to EPCs – the requirement to achieve a C grade has been waived for now.

“Making structural changes to energy efficiency is a long-term process that needs to be managed based on rent gaps, so landlords need a clearer time frame for any future changes. It is also important to consider whether the requirements are reasonable in light of rising costs for owners.”

The failure of the Tenants (Reform) Act.

The lettings agency is criticizing the government for failing to approve the Tenants (Reform) Bill before the general election.

Ms Thompson said: “The failure of the long-awaited Tenant Reform Bill to not come into force is a major setback for both landlords and tenants.

“Although many provisions of the draft bill were controversial – including concerns about periodic lease agreements, the abolition of Art. 21 and related issues of court delays along with the inclusion of the right to request pet ownership – we believed that further dialogue and amendments would address the concerns of all stakeholders, ultimately benefiting the rental market.”

He adds: “The failure to adopt the bill highlights the need for a comprehensive housing policy that will ensure stability and solve the most important problems facing the sector, primarily the insufficient supply of good quality houses for rent.”

The UK is facing a housing crisis

Roman Group leaders are calling on the next government to prioritize housing and introduce policies that will stop the housing crisis.

Ms Thompson continues: “As the UK faces a housing crisis, it is imperative that the new government prioritizes housing policies that provide stability and long-term solutions.

“There have been 16 different housing ministers over the last 13 years, which has shown a lack of continuity and commitment. We urge the next administration to put housing at the heart of its agenda, providing the coherence and long-term focus that the sector desperately needs.”