
New Zealand businesses are grappling with urgent mobile cybersecurity vulnerabilities

Businesses in New Zealand face a significant gap in their cybersecurity measures, potentially exposing themselves to significant risk, according to a recent report from Merge Communications. While there are 5.9 million mobile phone connections in the country, a significant number of business devices lack adequate cybersecurity, which is a serious security gap.

Most New Zealand businesses go to great lengths to protect laptops and traditional IT equipment. However, they often ignore mobile devices, which remain susceptible to various cyber threats. Recognizing this gap, Merge Communications, a leader in mobile device management (MDM) solutions, advocates for robust mobile device protection and introduces Samsung Knox as a comprehensive security solution.

The disparity in security measures between laptops/desktops and smartphones is striking. Companies often use advanced security systems to protect traditional computing devices, but do not extend the same protections to mobile phones. This oversight puts corporate data at serious risk of hacking, phishing, malware, spyware and other cyber threats.

One significant reason for this gap is the common misconception among businesses that securing mobile devices is complicated and expensive. However, technology has advanced and the tools available today are both user-friendly and cost-effective. Modern cybersecurity tools can protect mobile devices against a range of cyber threats, including phishing, malware, spyware, SIM swapping attacks and network spoofing. These threats can have dire consequences, exposing sensitive business data and potentially leading to serious financial and reputational damage.

A single successful cyberattack on a mobile device could result in a breach of the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, which provides for fines starting at NZ$10,000 and rising to NZ$150,000 per incident. In addition to these penalties, companies must also consider the brand damage and additional costs associated with recovering data from such breaches.

To address these challenges, Merge Communications uses Samsung Knox, a comprehensive mobile security solution designed to protect businesses from a variety of mobile cyber threats. Samsung Knox supports a wide range of businesses, from large to smaller enterprises, offering the ability to manage from 20 to over 1,000 connections. Paul Butterworth, managing director of Merge Communications, said: “Samsung Knox is a game changer in the way we approach mobile device security. It is about improving our defenses, ensuring our business systems are strengthened against a range of cybersecurity threats.”

An example of the practical application of the Samsung Knox solution is Corporate Cabs, which has won the “Superbrand” distinction for two years in a row. Since functional cell phones and tablets are essential in corporate taxis, top safety, reliability and maintenance are crucial. Samsung Knox meets these needs by enabling Cabs to efficiently manage, secure and customize their devices through a user-friendly cloud portal.

Implementing a comprehensive mobile device security strategy is more than just adopting technical solutions. It requires a strategic approach that covers all aspects of mobile device security, from active device management to secure deletion and data cleansing of outdated devices. With Samsung Knox, businesses can solve these problems and maintain a safe mobile environment.

Merge Communications continues to be a leader in mobile cybersecurity, focusing on MDM solutions and pioneering technologies such as Samsung Knox. Their commitment to providing businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to ensure they operate securely and efficiently in today’s connected world. As more companies realize the importance of protecting mobile devices, adopting such comprehensive security solutions will become increasingly important in mitigating threats and securing business operations.