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SpaceX: Start of tests of the Raketensystem “Starship” factory

SpaceX: Start of tests of the Raketensystem “Starship” factory

The large loads are equipped with the Raketensystem of the Raumfahrtgeschichte soll zu einem fünften Testflug aufbrechen. The Raumschiff “Starship” will be launched on Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (MESZ) from the SpaceX private transport center of Elon Musk’s Tech-Billiard in the US-Bundesstaat Texas. The American Bundesluftfahrtbehörde (FAA) declared to Samstag die Erlaubnis für den Start.

Pre-testing is not done properly. Ahead of a first start in April 2023, Raketen’s full system war has exploded by the minute. In a second test in November 2023, the two wars will fight and the other stronger wars will explode. In a written test in March, the “Starship” was first carried out by everyone, but the flight did not happen as planned. During a final test flight in June, the “Starship” made a controlled landing for the first time, and there is also a problem here. The last of the Tests are listed, we have the same Dates.

The “Starship” is expected to be on mission for Monday and March. The system is thus constructed, so that the Raumschiff and the Rakete nach der Rückkehr auf die Erde wiederverwendet werden können. The 120 meter long system can support transportation of more than 100 tons. NASA astronauts will die with the “Starship” next Monday. SpaceX hofft, with the system one day to Mars to us.