
Verogy completes nearly 6 MW solar project in Connecticut


Verogy announced it has completed Connecticut’s largest solar project under the state’s Shared Clean Energy Facility (SCEF) program. In addition to being the largest SCEF project completed to date at 5.96 MWDCEnfield Solar One is also the first SCEF project completed in Eversource’s service area.

The SCEF program, administered by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) in partnership with state utilities, is an initiative to overcome barriers to access to renewable energy. The program enables residents and businesses that may be unable to invest in clean energy projects due to unsuitable property conditions or rental status to use renewable energy.

“The SCEF program is a great step forward for Connecticut,” said Will Herchel, CEO of Verogy. “Verogy’s Enfield SCEF project is not just about producing renewable energy; the idea is to make this energy more accessible than ever. Thanks to SCEF, even more Connecticut customers can now benefit from clean energy. This is an important part of our path to a more sustainable future.”

Through SCEF, low- and moderate-income energy customers in Connecticut benefit directly from the clean energy project’s energy production. When SCEF projects go live, customers are selected and sign up as “subscribers.” These subscribers receive a monthly credit for a portion of the electricity generated by the project for up to 20 years, free of charge.

Enfield Solar One consists of 545W bifacial Phono Solar modules that will produce an estimated 8,566,000 kWh per year. By adding 2.5 cents per kWh to subscribers’ monthly bills, Enfield Solar One will generate an estimated $214,150 in electricity savings for low- and moderate-income households and other utility customers each year for the next 20 years.

“By providing low- and moderate-income customers with monthly bill credit, our project helps ensure the benefits of renewable energy are broadly and equitably shared,” Herchel said.

Verogy is one of Connecticut’s leading SCEF project developers, having been awarded nine projects totaling 42 MW. By implementing these SCEF projects, Verogy will help expand equitable clean energy deployment and increase access to clean energy for more low- and moderate-income customers. Verogy is currently working with the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and state policymakers to find ways to increase credits intended for low-income households under the SCEF program.

“Verogy is excited to lead this important initiative,” said Herchel. “Programs like SCEF are critical to increasing the availability and affordability of renewable energy for Connecticut residents. We hope that SCEF and future community solar programs will be expanded and enriched with tools that will provide even more benefits to Connecticut utility customers.”

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