
nShift research identifies five steps to success for retailers ahead of the peak shopping season

  • 95% of buyers abandoned their cart
  • 63% of shoppers say delivery selection is the most important factor when shopping online
  • High delivery costs force 62% of buyers to abandon purchases

LONDON, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — As retailers prepare for the peak shopping season, nShift, the global leader in delivery and experience management (DMXM) software, is emphasizing the importance of delivery experiences for today’s customers. New consumer research conducted by Retail Week in partnership with nShift has revealed how important this element of e-commerce is to the success of retailers.

Shopper Unlocked: in the minds of 1000 consumers‘ states that 95% of shoppers have abandoned their cart. High delivery costs are by far the most common reason for cart abandonment – 62% of buyers cite this reason. Nearly a quarter (23%) of buyers blamed the complicated checkout process, while poor delivery times and unsatisfactory returns policies were also cited as a problem for around 20% of buyers.

The study found that customers value convenience above many other aspects of the customer experience. The ability to choose delivery time and date is by far the most important factor that respondents pay attention to – almost two-thirds (63%) consider it important. A similar percentage (62%) agreed they would not buy again after a single bad delivery.

David CareyVice President of Customer Experience at nShift, said: “These results clearly demonstrate how little patience most consumers have with bad delivery experiences and how important it is for retailers to ensure correct deliveries every time. As we enter the second half of the year and the peak shopping season, the most successful retailers are those that focus on delivery and experience management as a critical point for the business.”

Five steps to maximum success in e-commerce

To best prepare for the upcoming shopping peak, nShift offers retailers the following five tips:

  1. Offer a wide range of delivery options – To satisfy all customers, retailers must offer a wide range of fulfillment options, with choices in cost, delivery time and location. This can increase conversions by 20%
  2. Communicate clearly about returns – Despite its huge popularity with shoppers, offering free returns may not make business sense for all retailers. Regardless of your returns policy, however, it should be clearly communicated and well marked on your website.
  3. Use phrases to your advantage – Peak period returns are inevitable. However, by implementing the right processes to ensure a smooth and hassle-free customer experience, retailers don’t have to lose revenue and can instead convert up to 30% of returns-related refunds into exchanges and repeat customs.
  4. Take ownership of your post-purchase experience – The relationship with the customer does not end at the checkout – it is just the beginning. Tactics such as personalized communications, brand messaging and real-time tracking help create a consistent post-purchase experience that builds customer loyalty and creates repeat customers
  5. Make sure your core supply management functions are up to date – Retailers must have access to multiple carrier capabilities to ensure capacity during busy periods. They need to be sure to provide shoppers with the full range of delivery options they are looking for, including a local collection point.

Carey concluded: “Customers expect delivery to suit their lifestyle. This will be no different as the peak season approaches. Being prepared for the peak season depends on taking the right steps now so that retailers can truly differentiate themselves through delivery.”

Read the whole thing”Shopper Unlocked: in the minds of 1000 consumers” report and find out more.

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