
UNDP is implementing strategies to increase private sector engagement and renewable energy in Yemen

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Representative image. Source: Canva

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Yemen has unveiled two new strategies to support private sector engagement and promote renewable energy investment in the country. These strategies, launched in Amman with expert panel discussions, position the Yemeni private sector as a vital partner in areas key to economic recovery and reconstruction, particularly in ensuring access to reliable and clean energy.


The protracted crisis in Yemen has led many key business communities to relocate abroad, taking with them significant investment support. To revitalize economic growth in Yemen, the private sector needs an enabling environment for growth, including investment in clean energy solutions. These solutions are essential to address the challenges faced by thousands of households, utilities and businesses struggling with intermittent access to electricity in Yemen.


In partnership with the Yemeni private sector and DeepRoot Consulting, UNDP’s new private sector engagement strategy highlights the importance of dynamic and inclusive partnerships in driving green and inclusive economic development. The strategy aims to create jobs and improve living standards in Yemen.

Despite the urgent need for sustainable energy access, many areas of Yemen suffer from a lack of reliable electricity, resulting in frequent power outages lasting more than twelve hours a day. To address this challenge, UNDP Yemen has developed a mixed renewable energy investment plan in partnership with consulting firm Firnas Shuman. This investment plan proposes both on- and off-grid clean energy solutions and aims to restore critical services, increase access to solar energy and reduce system losses in the short term. Ultimately, this initiative aims to increase access to reliable and affordable electricity for communities across Yemen.

Zena Ali Ahmad, UNDP Representative in Yemen, highlighted the importance of these strategies in driving inclusive economic development and improving living standards in Yemen. She stressed the importance of building the capacity of the private sector and increasing its involvement in recovery and reconstruction efforts by facilitating investment, skills development and market access support. Together with local and international partners, UNDP is committed to the transition towards a greener economy in Yemen, with a focus on inclusive and sustainable development for all.