
Morning Open Thread: Kitchen gadget fails

If you cook, there’s a good chance you’ll have at least one total flop. Today, instead of culinary disasters, I present to you Bad Gadgets: Even if they work, they work NO an improvement over standard kitchen practice.

But the first one? Egg extractor? If you don’t watch anything else, watch this one, if only for the flying egg…

Egg Extractor

Here’s a fun essay from someone who also tried using Eggstractor. OH MY GOD. (9:10)


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Open thread in the morning is everyday life, protected by copyright post from multiple editors and guest authors. We support our community, invite and share ideas, and encourage thoughtful and respectful dialogue in an open forum.

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Editor’s note: Morning Open Thread is looking for community members willing to take on hosting duties – whether it’s a day here and there or a regular weekly post: Saturdays and Tuesdays are open. If you are interested, please contact P or Bureaubss. And thank you.

Waffle toaster

Customers are not satisfied with the value, mess, leaks, performance and durability of the waffle maker.…

Why? (13:20)

Egg breaker

YYY no. (8:37)

Pasta and cheese machine

The product leaked boiling water through the rubber seal which fell into my cabinets and then scalded my dog. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT.…

Good sir. (11:45)

A slider station in a big city

I had to scrub it with a Brillo pad to get it clean. I’ll take it back to the store, so save yourself the trouble and don’t buy it.…

Fail. (13:46)

Whirley Pop popcorn popper

Of course it works, but you don’t need it. (8:09)


Have a nice day!