
SPIE announces new business unit

SPIE Global Services Energy, an international subsidiary of the SPIE Group, an independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, announced the creation of a new business unit: Wind Power, headed by Gianluca Petraccia.

Following the acquisition of the offshore wind specialist Correll Group, the creation of the new entity demonstrates SPIE Global Services Energy’s ambition to become an international champion of wind services. The achievement of this strategic goal will enable SPIE to make a significant contribution to the renewable energy market.

SPIE Global Services Energy can count on significant and sustainable development in the rapidly growing wind energy sector: between 2023 and 2027, this sector will grow by an average of 15%/y, with an estimated total increase of 680 GW, and by 2030 installed capacity is expected to exceed 2,000 GW.

The acquisition of the Correll Group enabled SPIE Global Services Energy to expand its portfolio of services in the area of ​​power line termination and management of high-voltage subsea links to connect wind farms. This acquisition also enables SPIE Global Services Energy to expand its geographic footprint to include new operations on the U.S. East Coast.

The aim is to develop offshore wind services in high-demand regions such as the North Sea and the Asia-Pacific region.

In addition, the company stated that it has a strong goal to increase the “green share” of its turnover to 25% by 2027. In 2023–2024, especially after the acquisition of the Correll Group, SPIE Global Services Energy’s share of turnover according to the European taxonomy will increase from 4 % to 15%.

The new unit currently employs 160 people and this number is expected to evolve in line with the unit’s growth, development goals and specific market requirements.

The expert services provided by SPIE Global Services Energy, from installation support to in-service maintenance, are essential to meeting the specific needs of the offshore wind industry. Positioning itself as a world-class service provider, SPIE offers comprehensive and integrated solutions that enable its clients to meet the sector’s challenges while maximizing the value of their investments.

At the head of the new Wind Power business unit, Gianluca Petraccia will bring extensive international experience in the energy sector and in-depth knowledge of the offshore wind market. After starting his career as a maintenance engineer in Europe and then Africa, he joined the Saipem Group in 2013, where he held various operational management positions covering Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region.

His presence will be crucial in enabling the new Wind Power business unit to achieve its ambitious goals and cement SPIE Global Services Energy’s position as an international leader in wind services.

Gianluca Petraccia, Head of the SPIE Global Services Energy Wind Power Business Unit, said: “I am honored to take on this new role and lead the SPIE Global Services Energy Wind Power Business Unit into a new era of growth and innovation.

“In the context of growing demand for renewable energy solutions, I look forward to working with our team to implement high-value-added additional services and strengthen our position as an international wind services champion.”

Christophe Bernhart, managing director of SPIE Global Services Energy, added: “We are delighted that Gianluca Petraccia will join us as director of the new Wind Power business unit, the creation of which underlines SPIE Global Services Energy’s commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. His extensive experience and proven skills will be crucial to realizing our ambition to become an international champion of wind services.”

More news and technical articles from the global renewable energy industry can be found in the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.

Energy Global Spring 2024 issue

The Spring 2024 issue of Energy Global begins with guest commentary from Field on how battery storage can serve as a viable solution to reduced energy consumption, before moving on to a regional report by Théodore Reed-Martin, editorial assistant at Energy Global, looking at the state of renewable energy sources in Europe. This issue also includes a number of technical articles on electrical infrastructure, turbine and blade monitoring, battery storage technology, coatings and more.

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