
Biden’s rule-bender will expand big government and kill the American dream

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The Biden administration is breaking records in all the wrong ways. From the influx of illegal immigrants that has flooded our border, to the alarming rise in crime rates in America’s largest cities and skyrocketing inflation, the American people are witnessing in real time the unprecedented consequences of Biden’s failed policies.

New report from Advancing American Freedom shows that the economy in particular has suffered a devastating setback, with inflation hitting a 40-year high and prices skyrocketing by almost 18% since President Joe Biden took office, leaving American families paying $15,133 more every year more for the same needs.

Worse still, Biden’s team is poised to expand an already bloated administrative state, passing the costs on to American taxpayers. His regulatory agenda is spiraling out of control, posing a serious threat to America’s prosperity.


The harsh reality of life under Biden contrasts sharply with the achievements of the Trump-Pence administration. Gone are the days of the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, rising incomes in every metropolitan area, and record low unemployment among African Americans, Latinos and veterans.

President Biden delivers a speech

President Joe Biden’s record has increased costs for ordinary Americans. But his love for Big Government will make things worse. (Yahoo Finance YouTube channel)

Under the Trump-Pence administration, small business optimism hit a 35-year record, and American households saw an extra $3,100 a year from eliminating unnecessary regulations — hitting eight old regulations for every new regulation. Before the global pandemic wreaked historic devastation around the world, the U.S. economy was achieving record successes as a direct result of the pro-growth policies of the Trump-Pence administration.

Over the past few years, the Biden administration has done everything in its power to push back against these hard-won gains. Biden has already rescinded three-quarters of former President Donald Trump’s historic deregulatory actions. After repealing 98 environmental deregulation policies developed by the Trump-Pence administration, Biden added 102 of his own environmental regulations and proposed 71 more.

He has “mobilized even remote agencies” to focus on his green agenda, ordering the federal government to find ways to “remove its carbon footprint by 2050.” As part of his climate agenda, Biden has proposed more than 100 regulations aimed at enforcing new requirements on popular home appliances while pushing sweeping changes to fuel economy standards for the cars Americans use every day.

Since taking office, Biden has implemented more than 209 economically significant policies, far surpassing previous policies over the last four decades. In total, the Biden administration has introduced nearly 900 final regulations, a significant portion of which were published in the first four months of 2024 alone.

Managing so much regulation required a dramatic expansion of the federal bureaucracy. Civilian employment in the executive branch has grown steadily over 20 years, from about 1 million in 2000 to 2.2 million workers in 2021. However, the bureaucracy has grown at an especially alarming rate under the Biden administration.

The Biden team is now sending the big government bill to hardworking Americans. The president’s regulatory actions are expected to cost U.S. taxpayers approximately $10,000 per household in 2022 alone. Biden’s regulation raised the price of staples such as home appliances by thousands of dollars, while emissions regulations and efforts to promote electric vehicles artificially inflated the average price of a new car.


Looking ahead, forecasts estimate that the Biden administration’s regulations will result in more than $1 trillion in spending over the next decade. The majority of Americans’ hard-earned wages no longer go to rent, groceries, or children’s education, but to line the pockets of DC bureaucrats and their extremely liberal ideological agenda.

Unfortunately, even more difficult times may lie ahead for the American people. This bloated regulation comes as Biden plans to end the Trump-Pence Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), the largest reform of the federal tax system in more than three decades.

The historic tax credit provisions of the TCJA spurred job creation, increased real wages, stimulated the economy and expanded opportunity for millions of Americans. Ending it now risks undoing these vital gains, especially in such uncertain economic times.

As U.S. businesses grapple with crushing regulations, Biden’s promise to roll back the TCJA and increase the corporate tax rate will deal the final fatal blow to an already paralyzed business environment and, ultimately, the economy.


This course is unsustainable for our country and unfair to the American people. The Biden administration’s overreach only serves to increase the power of the executive branch, not the American economy.

With Americans barely able to afford the necessities of this economy, President Biden seems steadfast in his desire to expand the government based on their hard work. We know that the Trump-Pence administration’s policies have led to higher wages, more jobs, and more opportunity for all. Under Biden, the American dream is fading into oblivion, drowning in a sea of ​​regulation and economic mismanagement.