
Canada’s international education sector clearly calls for action

  • Stakeholders want a ‘holistic’ approach to the entire sector
  • CBIE president Larissa Bezo told The PIE that a national dialogue on the issue was “long overdue”
  • One participant said that while the dialogue event is an “important step”, it must continue to inform the policy-making process

Key international education stakeholders from across Canada are calling for an integrated, whole-of-government approach, at both the federal and provincial levels, to make decisions about the goals, objectives and priorities of the international education sector.

At the same time, they are seeking a forum to support ongoing multi-sectoral dialogue to create a stable, surprise-free international education planning and policy environment.

This follows Canada’s cap on international student permits, which was introduced without industry consultation, and which many people have complained about.

The proposed actions were among several discussed during a two-day National Dialogue session convened by the Canadian Office of International Education.

The session was attended by over 225 participants from Canada’s international education community, including senior officials from relevant federal and provincial ministries, leaders of educational institutions, business associations, community service providers, researchers, student associations, national and regional education associations, and a representative group of international students .

“In convening this event, CBIE was acutely aware of the urgent need to provide an inclusive forum where key stakeholders in the international education industry could share insights and work toward consensus on how the sector can and should evolve,” said Larissa Bezo, president and Director General of CBIE.

“The honest, open and constructive discussion that took place was long overdue,” she said PIE News.

“The key takeaway is that as a sector we need to establish a permanent mechanism or focal point to maintain this type of dialogue with multiple stakeholders to develop a more responsible and sustainable Canadian international education sector in the long term.

“CBIE looks forward to sharing in the coming weeks the key recommendations that emerge from the multi-stakeholder discussions held in the National Dialogue with federal and provincial governments, event participants and key stakeholders,” Bezo added.

“There is much work to be done and we all have a role to play in creating a supportive and welcoming environment for international students in a way that upholds the integrity of the EduCanada brand and secures Canada’s long-term position as an ethical leader and the best destination for global talent.”

As part of the dialogue, Bezo had a fireside chat with Immigration Minister Mark Miller, during which he outlined his vision for the International Student Program and made clear that restrictions on international admissions would not be lifted.

Stakeholders also expressed the need for a pan-Canadian framework for ethical practices in international education, applicable to designated educational institutions, which they argued should establish clear principles of accountability for performance and would become “an integral part of the EduCanada brand.”

The topic of labor shortages in Canada was at the forefront of the two-day event, and the sector is now calling for “more systematic processes to link hiring decisions to short- and long-term labor market and demographic needs at the community level,” CBIE said. in a statement.

“It is important to address these labor shortages,” Graham Barber, deputy director of international relations at Universities Canada, told The PIE.

“Looking at our labor market in the short and long term, this level of social engineering or planning is very difficult. It’s very complex, so to look at it in a simplified way: one student in a construction program equals building one house in ten years – that’s not quite how it works.

Instead, Barber said the issue needed to be looked at in a broader context – in a more holistic way – and using critical thinking.

The country needs “a good mix of people coming in,” through skilled trades programs, critical thinking and a variety of fields, he continued.

Further calls for action from the event include the need for coordinated national efforts to produce, mobilize and share timely and complete international education data to inform policy and program decisions across the sector.

At the same time, stakeholders would like to see a new narrative introduced – one that highlights the value that international students bring to Canadian campuses, businesses and communities, both as temporary residents and potential future citizens.

“The Canadian brand has really suffered over the last year,” Barber noted.

“There have been a lot of changes and I think some of them, whether necessary or not, have led to some instability in the sector.

“This level of instability leaves students unsure that Canada will remain the same welcoming place it has always been, which is very troubling as a narrative.

“The minister himself spoke at his meeting about the fact that at some point, regardless of the need for these changes and the importance of these changes, instability itself becomes a problem,” Barber explained.

We really need to send this message abroad and let students know that Canada is still very open to international students

Graham Barber

CBIE and colleagues are calling for a broader, coherent and integrated national effort to rebuild Canada’s education brand and position it as “the premier destination for global talent.”

“We really need to send that signal abroad and let students know that Canada is still very open to international students,” Barber added.

“We want to welcome them here, and our institutions truly value them for the positive contributions they make to the classroom while they are at the institutions and then to our society as a whole.”

One practical action would be a renewed international education strategy for Canada, in which the government shows its support for international students, Barber details.

The current international education strategy is due to expire this year.

One of the participants, Amira El Masri, director of the international affairs office at McMaster University, told The PIE that it was “inspiring” to see various stakeholders coming together “to advocate for the well-being of international students and the quality and integrity of Canada’s international education sector.”

“While I consider this an important step, it is important to maintain the ongoing dialogue that underpins policymaking and program development.

“There is an urgent need for regular national table meetings to provide a robust platform for discussing the needs of the international education sector, foster cooperation and coordination among various stakeholders, identify and support the implementation of innovative solutions to current issues, and explore ways to ensure that Canada continues to engaged on a global scale and positively contribute to the creation and exchange of knowledge, social change and the promotion of mutual understanding and respect.

“During the conference, there were discussions about adapting the international student program to the needs of the Canadian labor market. However, I would like to emphasize the importance of focusing on the value of our education on a global scale, enabling students to access local and global labor markets and networks.

“After all, international education is about crossing borders to solve complex global problems,” El Masri added.