
Lukashenko wants Belarus to be as self-sufficient as possible in the defense sector

ORSHA, May 29 (BelTA) – The Belarusian defense sector should rely as much as possible on its own defense products. This principle is enshrined in the National Security Concept and Military Doctrine, which were recently adopted by the Belarusian People’s Congress, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on May 29 during a conversation with the trade union collective of the Legmash Plant in Orsha, BelTA has learned.

The Head of State announced that a number of documents are being developed in accordance with the National Security Concept and Military Doctrine. These documents aim to clarify the ideas contained in the two documents mentioned above. Of course, some of these documents are secret.

“Concept and doctrine are laws, they are our guidelines. Specifics are also important. If we say we will defend ourselves, the question arises: how? Therefore, we attach great importance to this issue, including the creation of new production plants,” noted Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The president emphasized that in the event of war, the country should be able to rely as much as possible on its own defense capabilities; much has already been done in this regard. This applies to small arms, communications equipment and a number of other items, including new defense products produced by the Legmash Plant in Orsha.

“That’s what’s most important. Otherwise, neither the doctrine nor the concept will make sense,” added the head of state.