
Xyte introduces improvements to Xyte Connect, adds device management for end users – rAVe (PUBS)

xyte xyte connect improvements

Xyte announced the latest version of Xyte Connect, enabling end users to monitor their fleet of devices through a single, unified interface. At InfoComm 2024, Xyte will showcase new feature sets adopted by several industry brands, enabling these manufacturers and their partners to collaborate on a unified cloud-based platform.

Xyte says Xyte Connect is designed to simplify manufacturer support for device setup, configuration, management, and even software and firmware updates. With this latest update, Xyte Connect now enables AV and IT teams to operate AV and UC systems from a single window. As of early 2024, AV manufacturers including Avocor, Planar, Bluesound Professional, Legrand, Symetrix, Wyrestorm and others have already leveraged Xyte Connect to optimize services, offer faster support to end users through ticket escalation and personalized product catalogs, and ultimately transition to the AVaaS.

Starting today, Xyte Connect enables the same users to supervise devices from multiple Xyte Device Cloud (XDC) partners through a single platform’s user interface. Users can monitor device status, performance metrics, and alerts in real time.

“Our enterprise customers often manage networks of devices produced by many separate value chains. This creates a significant challenge for IT teams. They don’t want to jump between several different platforms to manage their resources,” said Zec Voislav, product director at WyreStorm. “Xyte Connect now provides the opportunity to solve this problem. This is a solution that many of our customers have been asking for.”

“Audiovisual cloud monitoring is the eyes and ears of the digital age,” says John Hoyt, director of multimedia engineering at BlackRock. “Automatically transforms raw data into a symphony of insights, orchestrating a harmonious future of today’s innovations.”

“Xyte Connect is more than just a feature. By enabling entire value chains to access fully scalable cloud infrastructure with the highest levels of enterprise-grade privacy and security, Xyte Connect is a core element of XDC,” said Omer Brookstein, CEO and co-founder of Xyte. “By providing end users with unprecedented convenience and security in managing large numbers of devices from multiple vendors, this new release raises the bar in terms of the added value that OEMs can offer to their value chains.”